import arcpy infc = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) # Enter for loop for each feature # for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(infc, ["OID@", "SHAPE@"]): # Print the current multipoint's ID # print("Feature {0}:".format(row[0])) partnum = 0 # Step through each part of the feature # for part in row[1]: # Print the part number # print("Part {0}:".format(partnum)) # Step through each vertex in the feature # for pnt in part: if pnt: # Print x,y,z coordinates of current point # print("{0}, {1}, {2}".format(pnt.X, pnt.Y, pnt.Z)) else: # If pnt is None, this represents an interior ring # print("Interior Ring:") partnum += 1
'''---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tool Name: WriteFeaturesFromTextFile Source Name: Version: ArcGIS 9.1 Author: Environmental Systems Research Institute Inc. Required Argumuments: An input feature class An output text file An input decimal separator character that indicates what character should be used to separate the whole number from its decimal. Description: Writes the features of a feature class out to a text file. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------''' import string, os, sys, locale, arcgisscripting gp = arcgisscripting.create() gp.overwriteoutput = 1 msgNotEnoughParams = "Incorrect number of input parameters." msgUseValidDecimalPointSep = "Please use one of the valid decimal point separators." try: if len(sys.argv) < 4: raise Exception, msgNotEnoughParams inputFC = sys.argv[1] outFile = open(sys.argv[2], "w") arg3poss = ['default python output', 'locale decimal point', 'comma', 'period', '$sep$'] if sys.argv[3].lower() not in arg3poss: raise Exception, msgUseValidDecimalPointSep if sys.argv[3].lower() == arg3poss[1]: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') sepchar = locale.localeconv()['decimal_point'] elif sys.argv[3].lower() == arg3poss[2]: sepchar = ',' elif sys.argv[3].lower() == arg3poss[3]: sepchar = '.' elif sys.argv[3].lower() == arg3poss[4]: sepchar = '$SEP$' elif sys.argv[3].lower() == arg3poss[0]: sepchar = "" inDesc = gp.describe(inputFC) inRows = gp.searchcursor(inputFC) inRow = outFile.write(inDesc.ShapeType + "\n") while inRow: feat = inRow.GetValue(inDesc.ShapeFieldName) if inDesc.ShapeType.lower() == "point": pnt = feat.getpart() outLine = str(inRow.GetValue(inDesc.OIDFieldName)) + " " + str(pnt.x) + " " + str(pnt.y) + " " + str(pnt.z) + " " + str(pnt.m) + "\n" if sepchar == "": outFile.write(outLine) else: outFile.write(outLine.replace(".", sepchar)) elif inDesc.ShapeType.lower() == "multipoint": partnum = 0 partcount = feat.partcount outFile.write(str(inRow.GetValue(inDesc.OIDFieldName)) + " " + str(partnum) + "\n") while partnum < partcount: pnt = feat.getpart(partnum) outLine = str(partnum) + " " + str(pnt.x) + " " + str(pnt.y) + " " + str(pnt.z) + " " + str(pnt.m) + "\n" if sepchar == "": outFile.write(outLine) else: outFile.write(outLine.replace(".", sepchar)) partnum += 1 else: partnum = 0 partcount = feat.partcount while partnum < partcount: outFile.write(str(inRow.GetValue(inDesc.OIDFieldName)) + " " + str(partnum) + "\n") part = feat.getpart(partnum) part.reset() pnt = pnt_count = 0 while pnt: outLine = str(pnt_count) + " " + str(pnt.x) + " " + str(pnt.y) + " " + str(pnt.z) + " " + str(pnt.m) + "\n" if sepchar == "": outFile.write(outLine) else: outFile.write(outLine.replace(".", sepchar)) pnt = pnt_count += 1 if not pnt: pnt = if pnt: outFile.write("InteriorRing\n") partnum += 1 inRow = outFile.write("END") outFile.flush() outFile.close() except Exception, ErrorDesc: gp.AddError(ErrorDesc[0]) if outFile: outFile.close() gp.AddError(gp.getmessages(2))
Hello together,
It worked well with the provides codes.
So, thank you very much again.
Very best regrads.
Katy, yes, I am having the same issue. Why isn't there a tool for this that doesn't require a coder?