while performing a "storage migration " of a group of "feature classes" under a feature dataset using the Geoprocessing Tool (Migrate Storage), i receive the following error:
i am facing the following errors:
ERROR 000955: Error encountered migrating the database storage Insufficient permissions[Feature Class Name] Failed to execute(MigrateStorage)
My Geodatabase is in Oracle Envrionment (ArcCatalog 10.2), and i am migrating the storage from "SDEBINARY" to "SDELOB".
my connection is through the "schema user" and DBTUNE file have been verified to be OK.
Please let us know the exact version of ArcSDE. There is a bug which was found in ArcSDE 10.0 SP3 and was fixed in ArcSDE 10.1SP1. It was for migrating storage from SDEBINARY to ST_GEOMETRY.
DBA's usually never grant a schema user "alter any index,drop any index, create any index...etc"
since this a very serious security issue to grant an oracle user "any" permission.
i have reached the conclusion of these required permissions after narrowing it down from "DBA" privilege granting which lead to the successful migration, and gradually revoked privileges unnecessary ones...
it will be great if ESRI can update their documentation.