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03-14-2014 06:10 AM
Deactivated User
It's my first question here.)
Such issue. I want to create domains for two fields in attributive table. It's clear how to create separate domains for each field. But I want to create domains, which will be connected with each other. Depending on what I've choosen in first field, domain in the secondfield also changes.
For example: in first field I choose "A" and then in second field I can choose "1" or "2"; otherwise in first field I choose "B" and then in second field I can choose "3" or "4".
How can I implement it?
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor
What you need to do instead is Subtype one of the attributes  and then in each instance of the subtype you can default the value for the attribute with a domain.

It's my first question here.)
Such issue. I want to create domains for two fields in attributive table. It's clear how to create separate domains for each field. But I want to create domains, which will be connected with each other. Depending on what I've choosen in first field, domain in the secondfield also changes.
For example: in first field I choose "A" and then in second field I can choose "1" or "2"; otherwise in first field I choose "B" and then in second field I can choose "3" or "4".
How can I implement it?
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MVP Notable Contributor
What you are describing is sub-types which is closely linked to domains. Have a look at this walk through, it will guide you through the process.

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Deactivated User
Thank you for quick answers for Hornbydd and rborchert. But I have some additional question. As i I understand, I can add only one sub-type for shape in geotabase. As an example. I have a list of countries sorted by continent and a list of cities for each country.
Continent     Country      City
america         USA          NY
                  Canada      Toronto
europe          UK            London
                  France       Paris
I create sub-type for field 'Continent', so user can choose continent. Then I create domains for field 'Country'. In this example there will be two domains: for countries in america and for countries in europe. Then I need to create domain for field 'City'. I create one domain, which will contain all cities in USA and Canada. So the question: is it possible when I choose in field 'country'  USA in field 'City' I will see cities only in USA, but not all cities in USA and Canada. The  main idea, that the value of field 'city' will depend on value in field 'country'.
Maybe it's too long and complex explanation of my case) and sorry for grammar mistakes (it's not my native language)
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