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Data Interoperability Conversion WFS Layer, Duplicate .XSI_NIL Field?

02-05-2015 07:08 AM
Deactivated User

When I use the data interoperability extension to retrieve a WFS dataset I have duplicate fields added with ".xsi_nil" added to the end of the field. However, if I use the WFS to Feature Class tool I do NOT get the ".xsi_nil" duplicate fields. I would like to be able to use the data interoperability extension to retrieve a WFS dataset WITH OUT the additional ".xsi_nil" field....any thoughts? (I am on 10.2, just FYI).Capture.PNG

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1 Reply
Deactivated User

I double checked, the data was published via GeoServer. But, is there anything that I can doon my end, when I bring it into Arc, using the Data Interoperability extension to get rid of the duplicate ".xsi_nil" fields, or to populate them? Or is this something that has to be corrected on the GeoServer publishing side?

Also, does any one know what ".xsi_nil" means or is used for? THANKSSSSSSS!

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