Hello community,
I am trying to run the Customer Derived Trade Areas tool using the Business Analyst toolset. Basically, I am trying to create a ring which contains 75% of the customer points around a given store location. Simple to do.. usually.
I am getting the following error when I attempt to run the tool:
ERROR 080002: Failed to write results.;
Function: CConvexHullBuilder::Start;
Can't insert feature.;
Function: CConvexHullBuilder::WriteResult;
The row contains a bad value. [AREA_ID]
Failed to execute (Customer Derived Trade Areas).
The problem is, neither of my input features contains an [AREA_ID] field, so there is no way I can check to see what the "bad value" is because no such field exists in my input features.
The only thing I can think of is that there are fields in my input features that are used to create [AREA_ID] in the new output feature class, that have bad values. Unfortunately I dont know what those fields are, or why I am getting this error.
I have attached screenshots of the results window, of my model, and both of my input FC field names (showing there is no [AREA_ID] field in either of these). I am running ArcMap Desktop Basic 10.3.1. Any ideas?
I suspect the area_id field is being created for the output for the file and it is incorrect. You are using projected data I presume since convex hulls assume that planar coordinates are being used
Hey Dan,
Thanks for your contribution. I ended up changing my store_id fields over to integars and the tool ran fine. And yes, I am using projected data (web mercator). I read the "bad value" message usually happens when a tool trys to put a value into a field that isnt long enough, based on that I deduced that my string values were being put into the AREA_ID field (which I assumed was a short integar). So changing the store_ID fields over to integers (1,2,3,etc) indeed fixed my problem.
Also: no clue why there are duplicate threads, I guess its because I marked the question as answered already so it created a new thread because of this??
never mind duplicate of this thread https://community.esri.com/message/594329#comment-594329