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Curvature raster map

03-14-2013 12:44 AM
Occasional Contributor
This is my first post on this forum so hello everyone! I'm new in ArcGIS, so far I used the GM, so please be understanding for me.

I need to generate the curvature raster map (3D Analyst Tool-> Raster Surface-> Curvature). Unfortunately, both the planar, profile and total curvature grid layers are looking like chess board. Often neighboring pixels have negative and positive values. DEM was previously generated from regulary points grid (20 m) in GM Intergraph by IDW interpolation (quadratic) and with smoothing and next imported to ArcGis environment. DEM resolution: 10 m.

Is it possible some postprocesing to obtain more regular curvature layer?
Any idea?

Greetings from still winter Krakow

Tomasz Bartus
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