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Creating an ArcSDE service from a remote Windows server. ORACLE 11G

06-23-2011 02:00 PM
Regular Contributor
I try to create an SDE service on a remote server with oracle 11g R2 over windows server 2008 64 bits ,client XP 64 bits , but when I go to the link I get the message document not found. Anyway this is the procedure according to what I have been able to investigate
sdeservice - o create -p sdepassword -d ORACLE,<ORACLE_SID> -n -i esri

in reading old said they needed to put in the parameter-d version of oracle, but that is no longer necessary   :
On Windows servers, you cannot use the Post Installation wizard to create and start the service. To create a remote service, see Creating an ArcSDE service from a remote Windows server.
Document No Found
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4 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
The main problem with updating web-based documentation is that links will occassionaly be
broken by edits.  In the future you can submit feeback on the documentation by going to and clicking on Feedback at the bottom of the page (or going directly to the
feedback page) and entring the URL of the page with the broken link, with a description of
the link that failed (e.g., "linking from 'Creating an ArcSDE service from a remote Windows
server' in step 12 generates a 'Document not Found' error").  Given that the link was working
on Wednesday, it shouldn't be too difficult for the maintainer to figure out what edit broke it.

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Regular Contributor
Maybe you can help me with a question on the subject
why  in that in connection with a remote oracle server,  the folder "etc" from % SDEHOME% ..  file : services.sde
of the service line in 5151 is comment "#"  and an installation on the same server if it is enabled ?

esri_sde 5151/tcp #ArcSDE for Oracle  (same server oracle 11G+ SDE 10)

# esri_sde      5151/tcp     ( server independent) client oracle11G + SDE 10
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Esri Esteemed Contributor
It's good practice to never delete previous information in configuration files,
but to prevent conflict it needs to be commented out.  Adding a parse engine
to look for lack of conflict is overkill.

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Regular Contributor
I think you have not understood my question
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