Hi Jamal,
I have the same issue, did you find any resolution for this? could you please reply?
Thanks & Regards,
Siva P Vysyaraju
Hi Siva,
I had this problem but now it works fine with me. Not sure what is the cause of this very frustrating issue.
If you want to find out a little bit more about a possible cause of a specific geoprocessing error (in this case with errorno. 000582), than there is a less known section of the ArcGIS Help, that gives more background about each error-code, and may help in solving the issue:
Understanding geoprocessing tool errors and warnings
For this specific error, look here:
000582 : Error occurred during execution.
In this case, it seems a rather in-specific error, still, checking the tools parameters and settings, might be in order...
Had the same problem.
The problem in my Case was, that I had already created a replica with this feature class in the given Geodatabase. After deleting the feature class in the GDB or creating new GDB, the replication worked.