Can we create a mosaic dataset with a source type of discrete?
We are attempting to use the new mosaic dataset in ArcGIS 10. Our raster data is an .img and has a source type of discrete. When we create a new mosaic dataset it automatically sets the source type to continuous and we are unable to change this.
I believe that data loaded into a mosaic dataset is seen as continuous. When you create the mosaic dataset you can change the pixel properties and number of bands. This will ensure that data is loaded correctly. You should still be able to process it just like any other discrete data. The actual stored value will remain discrete.
What about the other renderers like classified and discrete color? If this is a known issue, when is 10.1 coming out? I followed the instructions to export and import a colormap and I am still not seeing what I expect.
No, you cannot add more renderers to the symbology tab. The closest thing I was able to get to work is to add the source image to ArcMap and define the symbology. Then under the symbology tab export a colormap. Then apply the new colormap to the mosaic dataset with the functions.
I am using 10.1 SP1 and cannot seem to apply a Unique Values renderer to any of my Mosaic Datasets. I see that the bug report indicates it was added at 10.1 but can anyone confirm that this functionality is actually available?
I've found that I need to run Calculate Statistics on a Mosaic Dataset before I can select a Classified Renderer, but that doesn't seem to be the case for Unique Values renderer. Even after running Calculate Statistics I cannot select a Unique Values renderer (see attached image).
My rasters are single-band 32-bit floating point, and I can apply a Unique Values renderer when they are not inside a Mosaic Dataset.