jian liu Jun 1, 2015 9:22 AM (in response to Bruce Harold)
Bruce Harold
One thing I find strange is that when there are multiple candidates found for an address, the geocoder will pick whatever the first one, instead of the "best" one.
For example, a search for address "2725 30TH STREET SE, Washington DC" will get a match at "2725 30th St NE, Washington, District of Columbia, 20018" with a score of 92.43, when geocoded using ArcMap. The match is wrong, due to the street directional. Of course, a manual rematch will find a 100 match, but this won't be feasible for batch geocoding.
Nathan Lowry Jun 1, 2015 12:59 PM (in response to jian liu)
Similarly, one of our agencies was frustrated with the same thing. There doesn't seem to be an option to allow the candidate among individual address locators with the highest score to be automatically selected as the match in a composite address locator - or, at least I couldn't find that option in any documentation or discussion thread yet. So, last week I created Composite Address Locators by Score in ArcGIS Ideas, with the description:
Enable ArcGIS users to create composite address locators and modify their settings so that the highest candidate scores among participating indiviudal address locators selected as the match for each address record geocoded. Other variations on this idea would be most welcome (eg. setting a score of "60" from Locator A to be roughly equivalent to a score of "70" from Locator B, and "80" from Locator C).
Is such modification possible, and if so, how would it be done?
Sincerely, Nathan Lowry
GIS Outreach Coordinator
P 303.764.7801 | F 303.764.7764
601 East 18th Avenue, Suite 220, Desk D-23, Denver, CO 80203-1494
nathan.lowry@state.co.us | www.colorado.gov/oit
How am I doing? Please contact my manager Jon Gottsegen (jon.gottsegen@state.co.us) for comments or questions.