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Can't I see netCDF files in ArcCatalog

04-10-2017 07:21 AM
Emerging Contributor

I want to add the .nc extension to the ArcCatalog file extension options, so that I can drag and drop .nc files from ArcCatalog. I succesfully added the extension in ArcCatalog 10.4 (Win 8.1 OS) but it doesn't seem to work for ArcCatalog 10.5 (on Win 10 OS): I added the .nc extension as displayed below (already tried with various formats - .nc, .NC, nc, NC...), even restarted the system, but .nc files are still not visible from neither ArcCatalog nor ArcMap. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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10 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

You cannot add a NetCDF data directly to ArcMap. You need to create a NetCDF Raster layer.

Reading netCDF data as a raster layer—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop 

Here is also a tutorial About the netCDF Tutorial—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop 

Think Location
Emerging Contributor

Thanks Jayanta Poddar, I know that there are tools to manipulate and work with netCDF files, but what I mean is to be able to visualize files with .nc extension in the catalog tree in ArcCatalog. It was surely possible until recently  (see also the 7th FAQ at the link below related to v. 9.2) Not sure if this functionality has been discontinued or perhaps is a bug of 10.5. As I said it works well with 10.4.

Would be useful to know if others encounter the same problem

ArcGIS Desktop Help 9.2 - FAQs about working with netCDF data 

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Thank you Chiara for the clarification.

Did you add the file extension (.nc) to ArcCatalog options?

Using ArcCatalog options—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop 

Think Location
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Emerging Contributor

Yes!! As stated in my first post, that's exactly what I have done, as it is also shown in the ancillary picture (ArcCatalog > Options > File Types)  and in my previous link. But unfortunately it doesn't  work for me in ArcCatalog 10.5 under Windows 10 (although, I reiterate, it does in v. 10.4)

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MVP Emeritus

You also mention that you switched from 8 to windows 10.. perhaps it is registered at the operating system level.  Have you tried to open it from file explorer? then specify arcmap as the opening file?  Just a thought since the 'import file type from registry' option seems to be a route

Emerging Contributor

Thanks for the suggestion Dan. I did it indeed, and in fact I can see .nc files in windows explorer whit the arcCatalog Icon, but still cannot see them in arcCatalog tree. Not sure how to use the 'import file type from registry' option as in my window I can only see a limited list of file types (see picture) and do not know how/if possible to extend this list to include nc extension

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Emerging Contributor

Per Esri's documentation, it looks like there is a separate process for adding supported raster file types to ArcCatalog:

How To: Add new file extensions as recognized valid raster formats in ArcGIS Desktop (click the Advanced drop-down)

However, now the question becomes:  what/where are the expected values for the following items on that form? Specifically,

- Format Driver

- Code

I can figure out what's required for everything except the two shown above.  Let me know if you figure it out and I'll do the same!


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Emerging Contributor

Hi James, indeed I had also tried the way you suggest but got stuck with the New raster format properties form...



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Regular Contributor

James - This link must be really old. I think the "Tools" menu disappeared from ArcCatalog several years ago! I followed the instructions all the same, but NetCDF is not in the list...

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