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CAD Surfaces in ArcView

12-20-2010 02:34 PM
New Contributor
What is the best way to take a surface from Civil 3D 2011 and bring it into Arcview? I have tried saving the TIN triangles as 3D polyines and adding them to Arcview as a CAD group layer but I can't use them to make a surface. I also tried exporting the 3D tin lines from Civil3D into a shape file but the lines do not appear to be 3d...any help would be appreciated.
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10 Replies
New Contributor
I have been able to successfully create the TIN in ArcGIS from a CAD drawing.  I did need 3D Analyst ext to create the Terrain and then the TIN.  I have step by step instructions and would be happy to share if you would like.

I would love the step by step instructions if you have them available. We are have issues with the process.

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