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Block adjustment does not adjust images

01-24-2023 11:06 AM
Labels (1)
New Contributor

I'm using ArcMap 10.8.2 to compile a 12-image mosaic of Worldview-3 1B imagery. Imagery is shifted by a pretty consistent distance in both x and y directions across the board, so I would imagine this should be a cut-and-dry problem. After creating a mosaic dataset of the tiles and orthorectifying using a geometric function in each tile's function chain, I use the block adjustment workflow to compute tie points (n = 236) and add GCP's (n = 101). GCP's do appear in the map layer and images pane, but even after analyzing control points the residual listed for all GCP's is n/a (residuals are computed and realistic for Tie Points).

However, when computing the block adjustment, solution points appear almost exactly where tie points were drawn, and then when applying block adjustment the imagery does not shift. I inspected the adjustment report but it indicates that no tie points or control points were used in the adjustment, and although it claims that 9 images of the 12 were adjusted, the "images not adjusted" list includes all 12 images.

Unfortunately my access to the imagery is private so I'm not sure that I can really make this a reproducible example.

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