Grant privileges using the Change Privileges Tools (ArcToolBox -> Data Management Tools -> Database) to your user and try.
Yes you're right if I give userA right to dataset B for write, will be fine, but i don't want.If you don't grant write access on dataset B to userA, userA will not be able to edit dataset B.
I am working on ArcSDE geodatabase, I have privilege on one Schema called E_USER, but when I am trying to save my edits on any feature or table "let's say E_USER.Incidents" on this schema I got this error
Unable To Save Edits
Insufficient Permissions[Insufficient privileges to table A_USER.PPL_AREA the current user lacks full access to table.]
Hi Karim, did you finally found any solution for this in V10.0 ?
Thanks for your help
We are getting the same error having just migrated from ArcGIS/ArcSDE 10.0 --> 10.2.2 and configured Versioning to Edits to Base.
Anyone found a solution?