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ArcSDE Geodatabase Upgrade Pre-Requisite Check (Discussion)

01-25-2014 10:02 PM
Deactivated User

After performing many Geodatabase Upgrades for many instances over the the past few years, i find the "Upgrade Pre-Requisite Check " tool usless in terms of detecting real upgrade problems.

Many times the tool runs and states that your geodatabase is fine and ready for upgrade, and when your perfom the REAL upgrade ....BOOM... actual problems shows up !!!!.

This is usless when you want to prepare for a PRODUCTION upgrade, since you don't want to be stucked with complicated problems in production, and the only option you have is "restore" and your scheduled upgrade is failed.

from my observation the Pre-Requisite Check tool checks (privileges, orphan objects,domains....) but it doesn't go deeper in analysis.

please share your experience and openions.......

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6 Replies
Honored Contributor
I accept that at times we encounter error while upgrading the database, even after running 'Perform Pre-Requisite Check' successfully. It doesn't mean that 'Perform Pre-Requisite Check' is useless. Most of the time when we upgrade the database, there would be privilege issue and locks.

The Perform Pre-Requisite Check option runs different checks depending on what type of geodatabase you are upgrading. For enterprise geodatabases, it determines whether :
-The connected user has the appropriate privileges to upgrade.
-The connected user is not editing data in the geodatabase.
-There are no other users connected to the geodatabase.
-The database is enabled to support XML data types.
-All the information within the current geodatabase system tables can be opened.
-For geodatabases in PostgreSQL and Oracle, it detects whether the ST_Geometry library in the database location is current.
-For geodatabases in a user's schema in Oracle, it detects whether the master geodatabase is upgraded.
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Deactivated User
i understand your point, and i know what the tool is currently doing. However, when you are preparing for production upgrade some errors are not easily fixed and requires furhter troublesooting and could stop your upgrade.

this is why before i perform the actual upgrade in production, i take a copy of production to a sandbox machine to simulate the upgrade.

what i am purposing is "enhancing the capiblities of the tool".....
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Honored Contributor
There are few NIM specific to this. Some are fixed in new release and SP.

e.g NIM068355 - Failed to upgrade ArcSDE Version 9.3 to Version 10 SP2 although the prerequisite check passed.
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MVP Regular Contributor
i understand your point, and i know what the tool is currently doing. However, when you are preparing for production upgrade some errors are not easily fixed and requires furhter troublesooting and could stop your upgrade.

this is why before i perform the actual upgrade in production, i take a copy of production to a sandbox machine to simulate the upgrade.

what i am purposing is "enhancing the capiblities of the tool".....

I think you may need to post this on ArcGIS Ideas, instead of here. It is likely there is already a similar Idea there, so you could vote it up, otherwise, create a new one. Link the Idea here in this thread so users can find it more easily.

I think the "enhancing" is not limited to geodatabase upgrades, there are other tools in ArcGIS that could use more thorough error / condition checking, and / or much better error feedback, e.g. think of ModelBuilder. It is frustrating to get cryptic messages that don't even hint on a proper source of an issue.

Anyway, it seems you are already following best practices by testing the upgrade against a copy of production. Even if ESRI enhanced the prerequisites tool, you probably still don't want to rely on it to upgrade in-situ...
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Esri Regular Contributor

What is really needed is some tool to check the integrity of the database.
The Pre-Requisite Check is the closest we get. The main problem is that you cannot run it on the current version �?? it just say the version is up to date.
It will be very useful to get such a tool for regular check of the database, not only when you upgrade.
I agree that if the pre check works without any errors it does not mean necessary that the upgrade will work.

check this:

MVP Regular Contributor
What is really needed is some tool to check the integrity of the database.
The Pre-Requisite Check is the closest we get. The main problem is that you cannot run it on the current version �?? it just say the version is up to date.
It will be very useful to get such a tool for regular check of the database, not only when you upgrade.
I agree that if the pre check works without any errors it does not mean necessary that the upgrade will work.

check this:

Hi Mody,

Hmmm... In terms of the need for such a tool, I think it speaks volumes that out of the millions of ESRI users out there, it is actually two ESRI support employees (from Germany and the Netherlands) that are the first to respond to the above linked Idea, stressing its urgent need...
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