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ArcSDE/ArcGIS Server 10.2 performance issues

02-25-2014 11:23 PM
New Contributor
Performance Issue:
When we increase the number of feature class in a dataset, "save edits" time is increasing. For instance, I have 50 feature class in ELE dataset and my "save edits" time is 8 seconds. If I increase the number to 70, the "save edits" time is increasing to more than 14 seconds.

Our Configuration:
DB O/S            : Linux
Oracle Vers.    : 11gR2
ArcSDE Vers.   : 10.2
Desktop Vers. : 10.2

How can I solve this?
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1 Reply
Esri Esteemed Contributor
This is an expected result of using feature datasets for other than their designed
purpose (simultaneous editing of multiple feature classes with co-located objects,
such as pipes, valves, and hydrants).

The solution would be to eliminate use of feature datasets for "folder" purposes,
instead using table ownership and naming schemes to logically group tables.

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