I am trying to buld a replica log and trying to get the list of feature classes in a replica
can get the list of replica but I can't access it's properties and see the list of feature classes
Here is the code I am trying to execute
import arcpy
import os,sys
sdeConnection = r"Database Connections/abc@GISEDIT.sde"
# Print the name of the replicas
file1=open('C:\\TEMP\\log.txt', 'w+')
for replica in arcpy.da.ListReplicas(sdeConnection):
I can get the list of replicas but can't get the properties> feature classes in those replicas . Any help ?
Hi Anjitha,
I was able to do this using the pyodbc module. Ex:
import pyodbc cnxn = pyodbc.connect('Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Trusted_Connection=yes;SERVER=SDE;DATABASE=VECTOR;') cursor=cnxn.cursor() cursor.execute("Select Dataset.value('(/GPReplica/Name)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS 'Name', Dataset.value('(.)[1]', 'varchar(MAX)')\ AS 'DatasetName' From dbo.GDB_ITEMS AS items INNER JOIN dbo.GDB_ITEMTYPES AS itemtypes ON\ items.Type = itemtypes.UUID CROSS APPLY items.Definition.nodes\ ('/GPReplica/GPReplicaDescription/GPReplicaDatasets/GPReplicaDataset/DatasetName') AS DataSets(dataset)\ WHERE ITEMTYPES.Name = 'Replica'") rows = cursor.fetchall() for row in rows: print "Replicae Name: " + row[0] + ", Feature Class: " + row[1]
If your repository is owned by SDE, you will need to change dbo.GDB_ITEMS and dbo.GDB_ITEMTYPES to sde.GDB_ITEMS and sde.GDB_ITEMTYPES in the query (line 6).