I am have trouble reconciling my edits to the default database once again. Every time I try to reconcile ArcMap simply crashes:(
I have tried reconciling both with the toolbar and with the reconcile tool. I have also compress the database.
Using ArcMap 10.2.2 & Windows 7
Any tips or fixes would be greatly appreciated!!
Don't have an answer for you Chad, but I would suggest calling Tech Support and starting an incident.
Which RDMS you are using (eg. Oracle, SQL server) ?
Is any patch installed on your machine?
Apart from the suggestions/spec mentioned above, please confirm the following:
- Does ArcMap crash, with every child version which you are trying to reconcile/post?
- What if you try to reconcile/post using any Higher ArcGIS client e.g. 10.3.1
You could also download the Patch finder to check if any patches are applied on the ArcGIS Client machine:
How to identify which ArcGIS products are installed