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ArcMap 10.1 Slow Performance with VB.NET Code (Spatial Query)

01-15-2021 02:39 AM
Frequent Contributor

Hello All,


We have just installed ArcGIS 10.1 and MS Visual Studio 10 to develop automation tools for select by attribute and select by Location.

We developed a new add-in button in ArcMAP, and clicking it should do 4 queries, 2 of them are  attribute queries and other 2 are spatial queries. order (1 attribute, 1 spatial, 1 attribute, 1 spatial)

Suffering from very slow performance when using our code to perform the spatial queries.

Please help!!

Here after is the used code:

Public Function p_GenSelectByLocation(ByVal SourceLayerName As String, ByVal TargetLayerName As String, ByVal Whereclause As String, ByVal SelectionType As esriSelectionResultEnum, ByVal RelationType As esriSpatialRelEnum) As Integer
            Dim pboolSrcFound As Boolean = False
            Dim pboolTrgtFound As Boolean = False
            Dim pEnumLayer As IEnumLayer = My.ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.FocusMap.Layers(Nothing, True)
            Dim pSrcFLayer As IFeatureLayer = Nothing
            Dim pTrgtFLayer As IFeatureLayer = Nothing
            Dim pLoopLayer As ILayer = pEnumLayer.Next()

            Do Until pLoopLayer Is Nothing
                If TypeOf pLoopLayer Is IFeatureLayer Then
                    If pLoopLayer.Name = SourceLayerName Then
                        pSrcFLayer = pLoopLayer
                        pboolSrcFound = True
                    End If

                    If pLoopLayer.Name = TargetLayerName Then
                        pTrgtFLayer = pLoopLayer
                        pboolTrgtFound = True
                    End If
                End If
                If pboolSrcFound = True And pboolTrgtFound = True Then Exit Do
                pLoopLayer = pEnumLayer.Next()
            If pSrcFLayer Is Nothing Or pTrgtFLayer Is Nothing Then Exit Try

            Dim pSrcFeatureSelection As IFeatureSelection = pSrcFLayer
            Dim pGeomToUnion As IGeometryCollection = New GeometryBag()

            If pSrcFeatureSelection.SelectionSet.Count = 0 Then Exit Try

            'Get union of Geometry of all selected features
            Dim pCursor As ICursor = Nothing
            pSrcFeatureSelection.SelectionSet.Search(Nothing, False, pCursor)

            If pCursor Is Nothing Then Exit Try
            Dim pfeatureCursor As IFeatureCursor = pCursor

            Dim pFeature As IFeature = pfeatureCursor.NextFeature
            Dim pGeometry As IGeometry
            pGeometry = pFeature.Shape

            Dim pCount As Integer = 0
            Do Until pFeature Is Nothing
                pCount += 1
                pGeometry = pFeature.Shape
                pFeature = pfeatureCursor.NextFeature

            Dim pEnumGeometry As IEnumGeometry = pGeomToUnion
            'Dim pgeometrybag As IGeometryBag = pEnumGeometry

            Dim pResultGeom As ITopologicalOperator = Nothing
            If pGeometry.GeometryType = esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline Then
                pResultGeom = New Polyline
            ElseIf pGeometry.GeometryType = esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon Then
                pResultGeom = New Polygon
            End If

            If pResultGeom Is Nothing Then Exit Try

            'define the spatial filter and select the features based on the union Geometry
            Dim pSFilter As ISpatialFilter = New SpatialFilter

            'If pTrgtFLayer Is Nothing Then Exit Try
            Dim pnameOfShapeField As System.String = pTrgtFLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeFieldName
            pSFilter.GeometryField = pnameOfShapeField
            pSFilter.Geometry = TryCast(pResultGeom, IGeometry)
            pSFilter.SpatialRel = RelationType

            Dim pTrgtFeatureSelection As IFeatureSelection = pTrgtFLayer
            pTrgtFeatureSelection.SelectFeatures(TryCast(pSFilter, ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.ISpatialFilter), SelectionType, False)

            Return pTrgtFeatureSelection.SelectionSet.Count

        Catch ex As Exception
            Return -1
        End Try
    End Function


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4 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

ArcGIS 10.1 was retired from support over three years ago.  The current release is 10.8.1.

Your issue may be release independent, but there's really no way to tell, since you haven't mentioned data format, indexing, data volume, or actual timing (in seconds).

Please help us to help you by including enough details to make an answer possible.

- V

Frequent Contributor

Thank you for replying, hereafter are the details: we are using FGDB data, the Target Layer includes 700,000+ features, and the Source Layer includes 200,000+ features. using the "Select by Location" built-in tool in ArcMap takes ~1.5 mins; however, using the code we have provided above takes ~6.5 mins. After Debugging,  more than 5.5 mins is delayed in the following line of code:  pTrgtFeatureSelection.SelectFeatures(TryCast(pSFilter, ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.ISpatialFilter), SelectionType, False)

it is very critical performance issue, and I need to select the features in that layer in order to perform additional queries (attributes & spatial).

We are also trying to find another way/method than "SelectFeatures" to select the features in the Target layer, however still not sure if there is.

Please help.

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Frequent Contributor

Additionally, and after investigation, when we change the esriSelectionResultEnum from "Add to Selection" to"New", the performance increased 6 times (~1min). Thus, to narrow down the perfromance issue, it seems related to "Add to selection" option. However, the query requires this option.  Any Advise!

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Low hanging fruit on file  geodatabase query performance includes:

  • Making sure the dataset is on a local device (not a network-mounted drive)
  • Periodically rebuilding the spatial index
  • Building attribute indexes to cover query terms

Spatial queries on badly fragmented datasets can also take a long time, even with a fresh spatial index.  I use relational databases, not file geodatabase, to juggle tens to hundreds of millions of rows, and I always make sure my data is physically organized  from left to right and top to bottom in chunks (e.g., countries by UTM Zone and MGRS tile; counties by state, from west to east). The  same physical ordering options are available for file geodatabase as enterprise, but they're rarely as necessary in the smaller table sizes (under 100-200k rows).

Tech Support can be of use with modern software, but when using something ancient you'd need to test against something modern to see if it's already been addressed.

- V

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