Hi, I have the arcgis enterprise v 10.8.1 and I need connect to DB Oracle, but in this DB I don't have Geodatabase.
When I connect my DataStore, does the connect with out problem, inclusive when I charge my tables don´t send me errors. But when I try read my data from my table in the portal send me the name from the fields correct but the data send me the label "Data error".
I check the log from my DB and arrive the query correct (select x from y where 1=1).
All ArcGIS clients have the capability to connect to databases (when the client library is present). The list of supported column types in a Query Layer or Query Table should be the same as with an enabled geodatabase, but the geodatabase does provide hints on mapping NUMBER to fixed datatypes (short, int, float, double).
So the real question, not provided in your post, is the data types of the columns (e.g., sqlplus DESCRIBE output). To me, "Data error" means an unexpected type mapping. It could also be an overflow issue, like when a NUMBER(10) has a value in excess of 2^31-1 (2.14B), so first off is types, then you need to look at values.
- V
Thanks for the answer.
The type data is supported, I was probe copying the same table in my geodatabase and didn't sendme error and the publish was correct.
Not in my server
in my server