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ArcCatalog and sdo_geometry

06-25-2012 12:58 AM
Emerging Contributor

I need to load some geometries in an Oracle Locator database 11g using the native format sdo_geometry.

1. Am I able to load some shapefiles using ArcCatalog into sdo_geometry (without an SDE schema)?

2. If 1. is not possible, I might have to use an Oracle tool to load some .shp. What would be the Oracle projection to match the Esri SRID 100200 (WGS84 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere) so that I can display the data on a Web client using a query layer?

Thanks in advance,
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3 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
A google on "WGS84 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere oracle srid" turned up this.
Note that 100200 isn't an SRID, it's a projection code (Esri's definition of "spatial
reference" is a lot more than just coordinate system).

- V
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Esri Esteemed Contributor

I need to load some geometries in an Oracle Locator database 11g using the native format sdo_geometry.

1. Am I able to load some shapefiles using ArcCatalog into sdo_geometry (without an SDE schema)?

Thanks in advance,

Yes, at 10.1 you can load shapefiles into a database just as you could for a geodatabase.
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Emerging Contributor
Thanks for the links. I understand using ArcMap 10.1 would solve all the problem so that I don't have to care about the Oracle SRID.

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