when appending from layer with aattribute rules to new one all the fields with editebal chackbox tiked off
arent mapped with the rest of the fileds
When appending data from a layer with attribute rules to a new layer, any fields with the "editable" checkbox unticked not recognized with the "use the field map to reconcile schema differences option "
the attachments shows how it was in 3.03 and what heppen in 3.1
Pro 3.0.x
If Use the field map to reconcile field differences is chosen for Field Matching Type,
the input dataset schema (field definitions) do not need to match the target dataset.
However, any fields from the input datasets that do not match the fields of the target
dataset will not be mapped to the target dataset unless the mapping is explicitly set
in the Field Map parameter.
Pro 3.1
If the Field Matching Type parameter is set to Use the field map to reconcile field differences,
the schema does not need to match. Fields from the input datasets that do not match the
fields of the target dataset will not be mapped to the target dataset unless the mapping
is set in the Field Map parameter. Fields in the target dataset that are not mapped to
fields from the input datasets will contain null values.
Salient portions from the 3.0 and 3.1 help files
the fields exectly the same except that the source have attribute rules t with the "editable" checkbox unticked
if i delete the rule it work fine
toady found out it happens when copy paste attributes from layer with attribute rules to layer with no rules
not just with appand