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Version control for file geodatabases, geo packages and shapefiles

05-23-2016 04:20 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Deactivated User

I would like to see version control for file geodatabases and shapefiles. Incorperated into ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro. Often people work on small datasets for small adhoc projects on thier local machine and an enterprise environment is not appropriate, ie it would be cracking a nut with a sledge hammer. Classic example is univerties with acdemics working on their own datasets for a research. Version control often captures qutie a bit of rich metadata. It would have to be simple and easy to use.. In the ideal world ArcGIS and ArcGIS Pro would support geogig repositories thus improving the ability to share data across different software packages. Bassically  I would love to see a github for geospatial data.

1 Comment

Version control for shape files is not even in the realm of possibility.  Although version control for file geodatabases is not impossible, I think , if Esri tried, I still don't see them doing it.  If you strike the shape file part, I would be willing to vote for the file geodatabase part.