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Topology: "Lock" one layer in place and adjust other layers to it when validating

01-24-2023 02:43 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

I would like the ability to assign feature classes ranks in a topology but have those assigned the highest rank NOT MOVE.  As currently designed (and described here: even if a layer is assigned an accuracy rank of 1, if the vertices fall within a cluster tolerance of vertices of another layer, all points may be moved to be coincident.

We have a highly accurate layer we don't want to move at all, and other layers that should move to adjust to the highly accurate layer.  Currently, even if I assign my most accurate layer a rank of 1 and all other layers a much lower rank, my highly accurate layer still moves a bit when I validate the topology.  We have several layers participating in our topology, and running the validate tool moves our highly accurate layer every time, which can be significant over time.  There aren't any other workarounds for us - we are in ArcGIS Pro 2.9.5 and our enterprise geodatabase is currently at version 10.7.1.

Users should be able to "lock" our highly accurate layers in place while validating.


@JenRadcliff ,

I agree, we went through the same issue trying every tool possible in the ESRI lineup but were not able to find anything that would not at some time move the control layer.  It would be great to be able to set a layer or layers to a rank 0 and not allow them to move.

In the interim, we ended up using FME Desktop from Safe Software.  They have a transformer called AnchoredSnapper that does just that.


We are just starting our topology adventures - and I assumed layers could be "locked".  This is extremely good to know, as we have data that should not move (ie: city boundaries).  I hope this is looked into soon.  I might hold off creating advanced topology rules (just have no overlaps or gaps) until a "locking" mechanism can be utilized.