Support Geodatabase Replication with the Attribute Rules

11-10-2020 01:03 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
New Contributor II

I have been preparing to make the transition from the Attribute Assistant in ArcMap to Attribute Rules in ArcGIS Pro.  This process will take some time to work out the details but the Attribute Rules have much more power and versatility than the Attribute Assistant.  Unfortunately, I will not be able to use the power of the Attribute Rules without completely changing our data distribution methodology.  This is because you cannot use geodatabase replication with Attribute Rules (


For many organizations geodatabase replication is a key part of distributing GIS data.  This includes support for legacy software and third party applications (like 911 systems, asset management, etc) .  Once Attribute Rules are in place this access is cut off.  The excluding of geodatabase replication eliminates a potential solution for continuing to provide access for these non ArcGIS Enterprise applications.


Please consider including support for Geodatabase Replications so more users can consider fully transitioning to ArcGIS Pro.


At my workplace, we use replication for creating test environments. We have many attribute rules. I just realized today that the attribute rules don't get replicated. It's very disappointing as it means we can't be confident that results in our production database will mirror results of testing in our test database. 

Please add replication of attribute rules.


I agree with this, it seems along the same lines of replicating domains, editor tracking, etc. Database Replication should support replication of attribute rules. 


@AngelaDeegan I have not tested this myself, but can you go into the replica and import the Attribute Rules after the fact?


@jill_es do you or anyone from the Enterprise or Pro team know if this is in the product road map. We are also having some issues with attribute rules and replicas at the City of Kirkland, WA. We are hoping to switch to 10.9 and 3.2 and I was curious if this is fixed in those versions. Thanks!