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State Tree Diagram for 10.1 and above

04-03-2013 06:05 AM
Status: Open
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Occasional Contributor

I have used the state tree diagram included in the GDBT tools included in 10.0.  I was dissapointed to find out at 10.1 this diagram is not included.  I spoke with ESRI Reps at the recent developers summit and one of them said that I can still find out the current state.  I do know that there are other ways to find out the current state.  However, the diagram is a great and quick way to find this information.  After a recon post compress or if I want to get a general ideas of who has been editing I can look at the state tree diagram and in 1 second see this information.
As mappers we tend to very visual people.  Looking at a tree diagram is much like looking at a map to find out information quickly.  I would very much like to see this diagram functionality developed for 10.2 and above and once again included in the ArcGIS Platform.
Kirk Webb

The State Tree Diagram was the fastest and easiest way to gather information on version lineage for many of us out there.  It was especially useful to me when making decisions regarding GIS use within my department and especially for tracking down orphan states.

It also made it far easier to explain to Non-GIS managers the importance of proper versioning etiquette. 1000 states? "just a number". picture of 1000 states..."wow you've got a point".
Diagram is the best part of the old toolset - still waiting for word on this. Just do it!

It would be great if they added this to System Monitor. I would predicate that however on making System Monitor free again. Its technically still free except that if you want the new version you have to have a full day of consultation about your system with Professional Services first.


This registry hack works. Just tried it at 10.4 and I now have the GDBT tab in Catalog and the Versioning Lineage view is back! The other functionality appears to work as well, though I have not tested those thoroughly. In the registry, I had to add a new key named Desktop10.0 in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ESRI\. Then I added a new String Value named InstallDir for that key and set it to the 10.4 install directory (C:\ArcGIS\Desktop10.4\ in my case).


It is 2017 for Pete's Sake...Objects and GUI's are ever-present in everything we please, where is this GDBT?


I totally agree with Steve Sawyer on his comment. The GDBT was a wonderful way to see the state of an enterprise GDB in a graphical view. Why ESRI hasn't kept up to date with that toolset, I don't know why.


Totally agree, way overdue!  I talked to ESRI Analysts about this at Dev Summit 4 years ago.


I agree this is needed. But for those that need it now, I have successfully used the temporary register modification, pointed out in several can start   I've been able to get it to work with 10.2.x thru 10.5.  I use it to look at the graphic and locks.  I do not use any of the other tools.

edit.....thought I better add that our SDE databases are still in SQL2008 and SDE 10.2.2.  I have looked at a copy upgraded to SDE 10.3.1 on a SQL 2012 or 2014  (just started testing) with various Desktop versions (10.2-10.5). I wanted to clarify that, in case it matters to anyone.



Wicked cool as we say here in the Northeast…and many thanks for this response.

Steve Sawyer

Geographic Information Systems-GIS Manager

Center for Health Data & Analysis

RI State Department of Health

3 Capitol Hill, Cannon Buidling, Room 407

Providence, RI. 02908

401-222-1245 office

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As an SDE Administrator, I used this tool regularly and it should be a standard tool.