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FYI: COVID-19 Dashboards and Apps Recommendations

03-26-2020 11:06 AM

FYI: COVID-19 Dashboards and Apps Recommendations

Image result for covid 19


Over the last 2 weeks we've seen many new ArcGIS Dashboards and Apps created to help monitor and support the COVID-19 situation worldwide. Many people are interested in learning more information each day at the global, regional, and local levels.

Last edited: 6/24/2020

To deploy your own COVID-19 solution, here are 2 good ArcGIS Solutions templates to help get you started:

  1. Coronavirus Response | ArcGIS Solutions for Local Government 
  2. Coronavirus Business Continuity | ArcGIS Solutions 
  3. Coronavirus Recovery Solutions Available Now 
  4. Coronavirus Wellness Checks Solution Released 
  5. Coronavirus Small Business Recovery Solution Released 

To learn more about how to get started with ArcGIS Dashboards, see this blog

ArcGIS Dashboards Training Videos for COVID-19 

In some instances, your COVID-19 solution(s) may get high traffic volumes. Some resources that will help you create and deploy optimal solutions.

  1. Essential Configurations for Highly Scalable ArcGIS Online Web Applications (Viral Applications)
  2. Best practices for high traffic ArcGIS Dashboards
  3. Improve your extent-based filtering in ArcGIS Dashboards 
  4. 7 habits of highly effective coronavirus websites

If you're looking for some COVID-19 resources, please checkout this site: COVID-19 Resources 

Hope this helps,

Version history
Last update:
‎03-26-2020 11:06 AM
Updated by: