It turns out that there's a vote going on at the main UC2016 page: Choose your favorite button.
While there are several fun styles, I had to vote for "Datum? I don't even know 'em"
Good spot! Ha ha... 2016 Esri User Conference (UC) June 27 - July 1 in San Diego
Thank you for the fix correct link! I think I've fixed mine as well now.
Q. How do geographers get to know their future partners?
A. They datum...
Nice one @NeilAyres that's up there with....
Why are latitude and longitude so smart?
Because they've got so many degrees.
Maybe the legend one should've said "I am Legend"...
(but there are probably copyright issues with that)
We were trying to figure out the GeoJSON one. I thought maybe geojson was defined by a Canadian! Finally, the other David B(urrows) realized it was Jason from the Nightmare on Elm Street movies.