I am fairly new to GIS and I encountered this problem concerning projections… Maps don't align despite having the same projections (according to the Properties - XY Coordinates). I already tried with Define Projection, for maps without projections, and Project, for maps with already defined projections. I encountered this problem when combining feature classes and also with combining feature classes and raster. I suppose, as a beginner, I'm missing something basic… Could anyone help me solve this issue?
Thank you.
Danijel Davidovič, how much are your raster and vector features apart? In which coordinate systems was your data originally in? More info would be most helpful.
I appreciate your reply.
Currently, I'm using ArcGIS 10.2.
Raster and vector maps have the same GCS and datum:
Originally, raster was in WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_33N. I used Project Raster for transformation.
Some maps seem to be aligned with meridians, but not with parallels. Other times, some maps are invisible, when zooming to Full Extent.
Maps that seem to be aligned with meridians and not with parallels were probably transformed with wrong or without any geographic transformation between WGS84 to D48 datums. Other maps probably do not align because they are in geographic coordinates, latitudes and longitudes, but they have assigned projected coordinate system instead. If you can send me examples of both, I can have a look. I just PM you contact info.