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Erwin Toledo, Bolivia

05-06-2019 05:04 PM

Erwin Toledo, Bolivia

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  Erwin Pardo Toledo, Autoridad de Fiscalización y Control Social de Bosques y Tierra – ABT, Bolivia       



*-Organization name: Autoridad de Fiscalización y Control Social de loading....Bosques y Tierra - ABT. The System of Certification of Forests and Incentives (Sistema de Certificación de Bosques e Incentivos - SBCBI) is derived from this institution, the project in which it currently works.
*-Organization street address: Fourth Ring / Avenue August 2 No. 6, Santa Cruz de la Sierra – Bolivia
*-Organization full mailing address, if different: 7091
*-Country: Bolivia
*-Work phone: (591) 3488330; (591) 3-334490
*-Work fax: 3488391
*-Main email: 
*-Scholar Email:
*-Organization Web site URL if any: 


The ABT is a public institution, responsible for the control, supervision and regulation of the forestry and agrarian sectors, respecting the rights and cultural identities of the peoples and nations that live and work in the forests and the rural area of Bolivia. The SBCBI is an ABT project, implemented with resources from the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and Climate Change Program of the Danish embassy, and with significant support from WWF Bolivia.
The SBCBI aims to perform performance assessments, which include aspects such as compliance with laws, efficient technical performance, timber traceability, forest conservation and respect for international treaties on social aspects and indigenous peoples. Performance assessments are carried out for users who work and own timber resources, known as forest users (including indigenous communities, peasant communities, forest enterprises, sawmills, forest products traders), with the objective of promoting Operations of harvesting, processing and commercialization of forest products, guaranteeing both the traceability of the same, as well as ecological, social and economic loading....sustainability. As a consequence of their application, the evaluated forest users have the possibility of accessing incentives to sustainable forest production, promoting the incorporation of higher added value to their products and generating better conditions of competitiveness in the internal and external commercialization of forest products, besides access to different benefits of streamlining procedures and access to state tenders. In this sense, it is important to mention that the SBCBI has standards that are consistent with those required by international markets and regulations, such as FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), Lacey Act (USA) and FLEGT (forest law enforcement , Governance and trade) in Europe. Another feature of the SBCBI is the application of accessible technology tools, such as smartphones, to conduct performance assessments and trace the wood supply chain from forest to market.


*-ROLE IN THE ORGANIZATION: I summarize in 3 my main activities:
---Implement performance evaluation to forest users by applying the standards and tools of the Bolivian Forest Certification and Incentives System (Sistema Boliviano de Certificación de Bosques e Incentivos - SBCBI). 
---I'm a support technical for coordinate efforts with indigenous communities through organizations like the Association Forestry Indigenous National (Asociación Forestal Indígena Nacional- AFIN), the Council Indigenous of the Tacana (Consejo Indígena del Pueblo Tacana - CIPTA), Forest Intercommunal Coordinator (Coordinadora Intercomunal Forestal - COINFO) among others.
---For my GIS experience, I have also been delegated the management of geospatial data and training of auditors for the development of maps and spatial information generation. For more information go to the following web address:


history of your personal work in conservation and GIS: loading....My level in the management of geographic information systems is basic. At the university (Universidad Autónoma Gabriel René Moreno) he learned the software ArcGIS 9.1 and ArcView GIS 3.1, applied to the forest management and sustainable use of forest resources. In 2011, during my first job at WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) I learned how to use ERDAS Imagine 9.2 and improved my knowledge of Arc ViewGIS 3.3, in addition to the management of eTrex Venture HC GPS, applied to the determination of Change Of soil use in two studies, for the other works with LANDSAT 5TM satellite imagery and the classification procedure supervised by photointerpretation. This knowledge was used for the power of the Museum of Natural History Noel Kempff Mercado, during 2011 and 2012, the year in which he was the assistant of honor of botany, where he supported technical knowledge in dendrology and GIS for the Study of Flows and carbon dynamics in Amazonian forests of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
Later (between the years 2012 and 2013) I went to work in one of Bolivia's largest forestry companies, CIMAL - IMR, in which I was dedicated to monitoring and analyzing the impact of forest use on fauna and flora, in The framework of what is required by the principles of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), where programs such as ArcGIS 10.0, Global Mapper and Google Earth Tools to identify protection sites, analyze impacts on the forest and determine the levels of degradation between Areas with forest use and areas without forest use.

After the years dedicated to research, since 2014 I had the great opportunity to be part of the SBCBI, a project that is part of the ABT, one of the institutions with the greatest commitment for the care of the forests. Since I started, as well as being a forest auditor, I was delegated responsibility for managing the geospatial data. 5 maps (with information from the ABT and other public institutions such as the Ministry and competent bodies for the management of water resources management) of biodiversity and natural resources management) to verify compliance with current regulations, and are used Medium and high resolution sensors (Rapideye, Sentinel, Landsat) to perform these two maps, with which a bitemporal analysis of soil change is carried out. Use, heat points, fires, damage to protected areas, ecological easements, parks, RAMSAR sites, etc. With all this information, SBCBI staff has an important tool to guide the evaluation and know the important aspects to verify.



*-ROLE IN THE LOCAL SCGIS CHAPTER: Please describe your connection to the local SCGIS chapter:
I am currently part of the Foro SCGIS-Latino ( a networked group in which information of interest is shared for people who work with GIS.


What is most challenging about the conservation/GIS work that you do: Bolivia currently has macroeconomic growth at the regional level, but not with legal security or an efficient territorial order, this situation has a negative impact on the increase of some activities such as the advance of the agricultural frontier in forests and forest soils And threatened productive forests, which, contrary to the heading, originates from a sector of forest production in crisis, which becomes what forest users seek for other productive alternatives such as agriculture or illegal logging .
The activity in which I performed the consideration as a challenge and a huge opportunity for a conservative, since he went from being a biologist researcher, an actor who verifies compliance with Bolivian standards (mainly in forestry, Environmental and social ), evaluating the adoption of efficient systems for the management of forest resources and encouraging forest users to promote ecological, social and economic sustainability through the use of alternatives that value and encourage forest production and respect the uses and customs of Indigenous nations and indigenous peoples, peasants, intercultural communities and Afro-Bolivians.
Our biggest challenge is to consolidate the SBCBI as a free and reliable alternative for the country's forest users to progressively move towards a desired model of sustainable forest development, promoting responsible policies and markets, Deforestation and illegal trade in Forest products. In this sense, I consider that GIS are provided as a basic tool for the generation, updating and consolidation of geographic information that allow to contribute in the technical quality of the performance evaluations, which allows to optimize the work to identify Forest users who meet legal requirements and promote ecological, social and economic sustainability, which are rewarded with incentives to produce.


*-Title of the paper you will present: Advances in the implementation of the Bolivian System of Certification of Forests and Incentives (SBCBI) as a mechanism for loading....sustainable forest management in Bolivia


*-Abstract/summary of the paper you will present:
The presentation will make a synthesis of the results achieved with the performance evaluations carried out to forest users (indigenous communities, peasant communities, forestry companies, sawmills, forest products marketers). This work will show the importance of the use of GIS as tools for planning, decision making and analysis during performance assessments, in addition to experiences in the inclusion of smartphones as a tool for georeferenced field data, traceability of forest products, storage and synchronization of information.

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‎11-16-2021 10:40 AM
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