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Choose board more easily

12-12-2024 01:44 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Honored Contributor

I thought it would be easier to click 'New Post' from the ArcGIS Pro page and then choose the type, but I was wrong. The dropdown only shows two of the boards. Show All doesn't show all -- you get lost in an error loop...



1 Comment

Hi @wayfaringrob, and thanks for messaging us about this. The boards you can select to start a new post in are governed by your account permissions. For instance, the typical member account doesn't have permissions to post Blog, Document, or Event posts. Most users should be able to see the option to create new posts for Question, Video, and Idea boards. You mentioned that 'Show All' is leading to an error loop. Could you provide some more detail about what that looks like and what Board you're trying to access/publish in that's not working?