Better communication from ESRI about idea statuses

11-20-2021 03:15 PM
Status: Closed
Esteemed Contributor

Could ESRI consider improving communication about the statuses of ideas that we submit? It seems like ArcGIS ideas stay in the "Open" status for a really long time (many years). We often don't hear back from ESRI. 


Whereas other companies like IBM seem to do it better:

IBM Ideas Portal (

(We get updates within a couple of weeks about what IBM plans to do with the idea.)

"Receive notification on the decision: In either case, the team will let you know as soon as possible.

The status of a request depends on where the request is in our development lifecycle. To determine the status of a request, use the following definitions:

  1. Submitted: The request submitter will automatically be notified by email when the request has been submitted. IBM has not yet evaluated this request and plans to provide an update within 30 days of submission.
  2. Under review: The IBM team is evaluating this request. A decision or request for more information will be provided within 90 days.
  3. Needs more information: The request submitter will automatically be notified by email when the request requires additional information. IBM is requesting more information from the submitter before the evaluation of the request can be completed. This request will remain open in this status for 30 days, but if the submitter doesn't respond and the necessary information is not provided, the request may be closed as "Not under consideration."
  4. Future consideration: This request may be a candidate for a future generally available (GA) release if the necessary resources to implement the request are available. Teams are encouraged to review these requests at least annually to evaluate whether a yes or no decision can be reached. 
  5. Planned for future release: This request is a candidate for a future generally available (GA) release.  IBM's statements regarding its plans, directions, and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice at IBM's sole discretion.  IBM will update this request to reflect any changes.
  6. Delivered: This request has been delivered into a previously released version of the product, or imminently in the next available release.
  7. Not under consideration: IBM has evaluated the request, and has determined that it can not be implemented at this time or does not align with the current multi-year strategy.
  8. Functionality already exists: The functionality or capability as requested is already available within the product
  9. Is a defect: IBM has identified this as a defect requiring a code change to resolve. Please contact the appropriate customer support team to report this problem. The request has been closed."




Thanks Michael, Eric, and Dan. Good ideas.



I'm hoping Esri will include a comprehensive "Enhancement Priority & Status" web page so we can get some sense of almost there or not gonna happen.

I suppose the ArcGIS Pro Roadmap addresses a small portion of your request.