New Place or Group Request & Change Request Process

11-09-2020 10:05 AM

New Place or Group Request & Change Request Process

Community Places and Groups are created by the Community team. Any community member can request a new place or group through the new community place/group request process (see links below). There are also some changes to existing places and groups that only the community team admins can make as well. To request a change to an existing place or group follow the link below. 


To request a new place or user group please complete the new place & group request form.

To request a change to an existing place or group, please use this place or group change request form


Things to know before you submit your request:

  • Places –Primary use cases are for Esri products, industries, services or programs, or Esri sponsored initiatives.  Places will have at least two associated Place Managers for monitoring and oversight.
  • Groups – Primary use cases are to bring smaller groups of people together to collaborate on a specific goal, special interest or specific topic. Groups can be setup as open, closed or hidden. Groups will have a specified Group Owner(s) assigned. Groups require membership, specifically closed and hidden are member only.
    • Group Types:
      • Open: Visible, open to anyone in the Community.
      • Closed: Publicly searchable but requires a request or an invitation to join and view boards and posts.
      • Hidden: Invisible to the public and accessible by invite only.
  • Boards - Places and Groups consist of Interaction Style Boards (Board options: Question, Blog, Document, Videos, Event, Ideas).
  • Labels – are pre-defined and are applied at the Board level, they are useful for searching, filtering and subscribing at a more granular level.
  • Place and Group Structure is mostly flat. Groups will primarily be organized under: User Groups and all places will be organized under one of the Top-Level Communities:
  • Products
  • Industries
  • Developers
  • Worldwide
  • ArcGIS Topics
  • Services
  • Learning
  • Networks
  • Events
  • User Groups


Types of changes to a place or group that can be requested:

  • Change place name
  • Add or remove boards
  • Change board names
  • Add or change pre-defined labels
  • Add or update group welcome text
  • update group owners
  • Change group type (open, closed, hidden)
  • Other



Additional information:

Community Place Managers Guide

Community Group Owners Guide

Version history
Last update:
‎06-27-2023 11:03 AM
Updated by: