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How to insert code in your post

09-01-2020 12:20 AM
Labels (1)

How to insert code in your post

You can choose from several languages to insert formatted code in your post.


To insert code in a post, a reply or when editing an existing reply:


1. Click the three horizontal dots at the end of the first line of the toolbar to expand the editorial toolbar of your post, comment, or reply.

2. Select the Insert Code icon </>.

3. Select your code language.

4. Enter your code.

5. Click Ok.

Collapsed Text Editor

Expanded Text Editor

Labels (1)
MVP Notable Contributor

You are missing step zero, click on the 3 dots to expand the available buttons so you can actually see the insert code button hat you refer to on step 1!

Version history
Last update:
‎06-03-2021 02:44 PM
Updated by:
Anonymous User