Hello, my name is Phil.
I am an undergraduate studying towards my BSc in the field of environmental science.
I am looking for access to training on how to measure impervious surface cover. I have limited time to complete my project, so just looking to get just as much knowledge as I need to carry out my work.
Any response/advice welcomed.
Thank you,
Hi Phil,
You can leverage remote sensing (some free access can be Landsat 8 or Sentinel 2) to extract impervious surface area from satellite images. Simple techniques such as band ratio, normalized band index, or machine learning/deep learning can be used to extract this feature. I found a YouTube video that uses the normalized band index technique to extract built-up area (which might be close to impervious surface area) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsG4NXyFJfI).
Hopefully can answer your question!