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Tools & Tips: Manage Subscriptions

12-18-2023 10:12 AM
Labels (1)
Esri Community Manager
1 0 523

Esri Community’s Tools & Tips series provides a power-packed serving of “How-To” every month. These micro-sized guides make it easy to level up your platform knowledge and get more out of Esri Community.

The value: Subscribing to receive notifications of new activity in Places, User Groups, Boards, Posts, or with individual labels is a simple, sometimes automatic, process. Given a wide enough subscription net, you might start seeing more notifications than is helpful and want to do a bit of cleanup. Using your Manage Subscriptions settings allows you to selectively discontinue notifications you no longer wish to receive.

How to do it: Use this link OR click on your account avatar and select “My Subscriptions ” from the dropdown list. On the My Subscriptions page, check the boxes beside subscriptions you’d like to remove and then choose “Delete Selected Subscriptions” from the vertical ellipsis located just above the subscription list.

2023.04_Tools & Tips_Manage Subscriptions_01.gif

Process for removing subscriptions

Keep in mind: There is a known issue affecting Board level subscriptions: When subscribed to an entire Board, members will receive notifications for each new reply on Posts found in that Board. This happens even if their account preferences are set to only notify them of the first post in each topic (the default setting). To alleviate this, consider subscribing to specific labels or Posts in those Boards instead of the Board itself.​​​​​​​

About the Author
I'm a Community Manager focused on Engagement & Content here at Esri. My guiding ethos is that community — people coming together around shared purpose, demonstrating collective support, and collaborating in mutually beneficial ways — is the most powerful source for progress in the world. I'm at your service as we make great things happen through GIS.