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Our Thanks to Esri Community MVPs

01-05-2023 11:24 AM
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Esri Community Manager
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To our MVP members,

One of the first things we want to do in this new year is recognize you and the substantial difference you make here in Esri Community. You inspire more appreciation than can be fully expressed.

Some people find their way to this platform during pursuit of a promising career in GIS; seeking the guidance of others while learning the ropes. Others follow the path of altruism to GIS and Esri Community because they want to spend their lives doing work that makes a better world. There are even the folks who couldn’t have ended up anywhere else because their passion for GIS wakes them up in the morning—it’s inseparable from their identity.

They’re just a few flavors of people who rely on this remarkable space that you help build and grow.

Your knowledge, time, and inspiration … they permeate all corners of this platform. Every day, people who you’ll never meet discover a solution you’ve authored or an idea you’ve put out there, and it opens a door they simply couldn’t get through on their own.

For all those countless sighs of relief and whispers of thanks that belong to you but were never heard, we want to again say thank you for everything you do.

With gratitude,

The Esri Community Team


The Esri Community MVPs—

@Anonymous User

MVP Esteemed Contributor

Thanks @JesseCloutier  for the note, appreciate it.  I know I have been significantly less active the past couple or few years, but I still try to engage when I can find time.  There are several reasons I am less active, but one of them is the not-so-new platform that EC is on when it changed from GeoNet to EC.  I know the older platform had its fair share of issues, but the loss of Jive Streams was probably the biggest.  I find managing the streams of content on EC without Streams just too clunky, and I end up getting frustrated sifting chaff to find what I really want to focus on.

I know you are too new to understand what I am talking about it, but I never miss an opportunity to bring up this missing functionality in EC currently.  And no, EC subscriptions are a poor alternative.



Esteemed Contributor

As a token of appreciation for the thousands of hours these kind people have spent helping Esri customers, could Esri do something like offer the MVPs free Esri software? Something significant, such as a free ArcGIS Developer license, which is otherwise unaffordable for personal use.

Thank MVPs by giving them ArcGIS Developer license

Esri Regular Contributor

I'll add thanks from the Learn ArcGIS Team to the MVPs! We see a number of MVPs helping individuals learning through Learn ArcGIS Tutorials each month. Your contributions make a big difference to those trying to get started with, or grow their skills.


Esri Community Manager

Thanks for the message @JoshuaBixby and for being open about where there's room to improve. You're right that GeoNet was before my time, but it's certainly been a regular feature of conversations throughout the last 8ish months I've been here as we frequently examine and re-examine the capabilities of this platform to shape it in ways that best serve all members. While remaining on Jive wasn't an option, there are some favorite features from that platform we continue to look for ways to re-invent here as functionality evolves, understanding how useful they were to folks like yourself. 

Again, I want to echo the message above and re-iterate our enormous thanks for the contributions you and our other MVPs make! It really is both incredible and meaningful!

MVP Esteemed Contributor

Thank you the thank you!  

Anything going on for Dev Summit and UC this year?  I plan to be at both.

Esri Notable Contributor

This is awesome! Thanks to all the MVP's for your help in the Esri Community.

Esri Community Manager

Glad to hear it, @DougBrowning! You can expect an Esri Community team presence at both and we'd love to catch up with you at our booth. Our booth locations aren't settled yet, but you can expect us to publish some more information here in our Community Blog about how to find us as the dates near.

Esri Dev Summit — March 7-10, 2023
Esri User Conference — July 10-14, 2023

Esri Regular Contributor

I'd like to echo the gratitude expressed here, and add my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our MVPs. I began my GIS career with Esri Forums, and am happy to see the spirit still continues today with Esri Community.

Esri Community Moderator

Adding my thanks here to all of the MVPs. Your contributions are incredibly valuable to the user community and very much appreciated. Thank you!

Esri Regular Contributor

Our extraordinaire Esri Community MVPs live by: you have two hands — one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.

“Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it’s at the end of your arm. As you get older, remember you have another hand: The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others.”  — Audrey Hepburn

Esri Contributor

Lots of gratitude from Esri Australia to these MVPs!

I can't count the amount of times that your posts have solved Esri Technical Support cases or provided workarounds for those users that are looking to circumvent existing defects or integrate ArcGIS products in ways that are otherwise undocumented.

You really are the real MVPs.

@ChristopherCounsell - looking for your name here 🤔 next year surely

Esri Alum

You are, without a doubt, one of the most significant professional assets. We are lucky to have such an experienced community amongst us. We really appreciate the knowledge and tips that you choose to impart to us. Thank you!


Esri Contributor

Huge thanks to you all for sharing your valuable insights, help, and experience with the whole community! 

Esri Regular Contributor

Huge thanks to all of you for your role in making the community work!

Esri Contributor

My thanks to you MVPs for taking the time, thought and effort to help other GIS professionals be successful.  Your input helps those asking questions and many others who may later learn and benefit from your kindness.


Esri Regular Contributor

Many thanks to all of our MVPs for all of your contributions!

Esri Frequent Contributor

Adding my thanks to MVP contributors. It takes a village, or in this case - a vibrant community. I've learned a lot from the questions, answers, and insights MVPs provide, often direct users that contact me with questions to post, or direct them to an answer from one of the MVPs. Keep up the great community effort!

Esri Community Moderator

A very big and hearty thanks to all of the awesome MVPs mentioned above. You all help to make Esri Community what it is today through your expertise and contributions. Thank you! 

Esri Notable Contributor

Adding to the MVP praises!  It's been a pleasure working with you all on so many questions within the various Esri communities.  Through your responses to customer questions, I've learned much from the answers as well as encouraging me to take deeper dives into the questions to learn more about the software, it's nuances and more.  A big CONGRATULATIONS to all the MVPs!  Thank you!

Esri Regular Contributor

Lots of gratitude from Esri Rwanda as well! Your contributions are an invaluable source of knowledge!

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Huzzah, huzzah!

- V

Esri Contributor

Thanks so much to our awesome MVPs for providing invaluable knowledge to our community!

Esri Contributor

Thank you, MVPs, for adding so much to Esri Community!  Your knowledge and diligence are a great resource for Esri users, and you're a big reason why I know I can refer people to Esri Community to find answers to their questions.

Esri Contributor

Thank you all for your numerous contributions, helping to make this such a useful community to our users. 

MVP Esteemed Contributor

Orange Minimalist Thank You Card Instagram Post.gif


Esri Contributor

A great and worthwhile post Jesse and I would like to add my thanks to all these great MVP's and others who contribute. In my early GIS years I relied heavily on these forums and they are still one of my first places to go to when researching issues.

Thanks heaps everyone!

Esri Contributor

You are the ones showing that this community is legit, and we are so thankful for your contributions solving specific problems of our customers and partners. Especially when dealing with opinionated -me included - technically skilled people: Thank you for your patience, your understandings and your goodwill!

Esri Contributor

Thank you, Community MVPs, for supporting our Esri customers and products.  Your willingness to give your time and contributions of service is greatly appreciated. The amazing ideas you bring helps us to continually improve.  We love hearing from you and are sincerely grateful for your valuable service.  I send you a heartfelt thank you for all your hard work and support!

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi our dear MVPs,

huge thanks to all of you for dedicated help to other users with their issues (I am among those to whom you´ve helped as well), no always simple ones and very often time consuming.

Also, your comments/ideas inspires users to take sometimes a different look to an issue which user struggling with the tasks can lost sometimes.

Thank you for help an contributes to which users can rely on!

Hat off!

Esri Regular Contributor

The MVPs are amazing! I get so excited when I see an issue I have an answer to only to find one of you has already posted and often with more information or crazy cool workflows. You are the best! Thank you so much! 

Esri Regular Contributor

You MVPs deserve a shout out, well done to all who take the time to help others!

Esri Contributor

Kudos to all of our MVPs ! Huge thanks for all of your contributions ! 👍

Esri Contributor

Thank you all very much for taking the time to contribute to this amazin community! I wish more speaking Spanish people or even a Hispanic Esri community channel could be a reallity in the future. Great job!

Esri Regular Contributor

Thank you so much for supporting this community! Your contributions are helping all of us be successful!

Esri Contributor

Great thanks to all of our MVPs! Your contribution inspired more of our users to get involved in this community. You can always find the perspective that we developers might ignore to solve other users' problems. Kudos to you!

Esri Regular Contributor

You guys MAKE A DIFFERENCE that impacts so many!

Looking forward to meeting more of you in person.

Esri Contributor

Thank you to the MVPs for jumping in and making the Esri Community what it is! We couldn't do it without all your input!

Esri Contributor

Thank you MVPs for your invaluable contribution. Looking forward to meeting you at our conferences.

Esri Contributor

As an Esri employee, I am consistently impressed by the answers that our MVPs create, and I regularly learn from their answers just as much as our users do. Thank you to the MVPs for the work they contribute to the user community!

Esri Contributor

I'll add my thanks to this amazing community, you are incredibly vital and provide so much value to the broader community it's hard to articulate. Thanks for all you do!

Esri Contributor

Thank you for your willingness to help, knowledge and time dedicated to the user community!

You're the best!

Esri Contributor

Thank you for your dedication! No doubt you are all skillful individuals. Thank you for your helpfulness. It really does make an impact on the community! 

Frequent Contributor

Hear, hear! You all are awesome! Most recently, @JohannesLindner . 

Esri Contributor

I wanted to add my thanks from the Business Analyst and Demographic/POI Content teams. We know that there are a lot of questions about content and analytics which are answered by this amazing community. The way you help and uplift everyone here is really appreciated.

Esri Contributor

Many thanks from Esri Australia to the incredible MVPs for their contributions, time, and commitment to the Esri Community!

Esri Contributor

Thank you, MVPs! Appreciate all you do to benefit all users and the countless contributions you've made, which truly make a difference.

Esri Contributor

Thanks to all for your help in the Esri Community.

Esri Contributor

I really appreciate those who help our production mapping community members in the Aviation, Maritime, and Defense Mapping markets. Thanks for all your help!

by Esri Contributor
Esri Contributor

Thanks to the MVPs, we value and appreciate your support and selfless efforts.

Esri Regular Contributor

Thank you, MVPs, for so generously sharing your knowledge and time with the community! You've made a tremendous impact. 

About the Author
I'm a Community Manager focused on Engagement & Content here at Esri. My guiding ethos is that community — people coming together around shared purpose, demonstrating collective support, and collaborating in mutually beneficial ways — is the most powerful source for progress in the world. I'm at your service as we make great things happen through GIS.