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New Feature Added: Share Tool

12-13-2023 01:35 PM
Labels (1)
Esri Community Manager
5 8 958

As of December 14th, 2023, Esri Community will be updated to include a new post sharing feature. This addition makes it possible for Esri staff and Esri Community MVPs to expand the visibility of posts by duplicating them across Esri Community Boards in just a few clicks.

When a post is shared this way, all copies of it remain connected so that comments, threaded replies, and Accepted Solutions added to any of those copies will sync across the others so that users can build on the same conversation from multiple locations. Note that syncing for Accepted Solutions and certain other data occurs on a 24-hour cycle.

For detailed documentation, see How to use the Share Tool.

Using this feature, Question, Blog, and Documents posts may be shared to any number of like-kind Boards (Question to Question, Blog to Blog, Document to Document). Because the share tool is intended to increase visibility of posts across relevant locations, members should always exercise good judgement to ensure posts are only shared to Boards for which they are a good match.  

Though only select member roles will have permissions to share posts, all Esri Community members can view and interact with shared posts.

Members will know a post is shared by several identifying elements:

Source Post

A source post (the original post from which copies are shared) will display a blue icon to the left of the post’s subject line. This appears as a laptop with an arrow pointing upward into a cloud.

Source Post Example.png

 Post preview for a source post located in ArcGIS CityEngine Questions

Target Post

Target posts (copies of the source post) will also display a blue icon to the left of the posts’ subject lines. This appears as a laptop with an arrow pointing downward into a laptop. Additionally, the post’s username will appear as ShareUser, which also has the green “Esri” pill beside it regardless of the original post author’s role. A line above the post body will detail the location the post was shared from as well as the post author’s username.

Target Post Example.png

 An open target post with details related to its share status

Shared Comments

Similarly, members who comment on a source or target post will see that their comment appears as being from ShareUser (which has the green ‘Esri’ pill beside it) when synced to other copies. The location of the original comment and comment author’s name will be listed above the comment body.

Target Comment Example.png

 A comment as it appears once synced into a different copy of the post it was published in

Note that Kudos, tags, and labels are unique to each location they’re added and do not sync across all copies of shared posts.

Questions? See our Help Documentation for more details about the Share tool’s capabilities and limitations, or ask us in a comment below.

About the Author
I'm a Community Manager focused on Engagement & Content here at Esri. My guiding ethos is that community — people coming together around shared purpose, demonstrating collective support, and collaborating in mutually beneficial ways — is the most powerful source for progress in the world. I'm at your service as we make great things happen through GIS.