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2021 Esri Community Contest Winners Announced!

01-06-2022 12:21 PM
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Esri Community Manager
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Happy New Year Esri Community Members!


I am excited to announce the winners of The 2021 Esri Community Contest.  For the 2021 contest we are recognizing and rewarding three levels of participation in the community. Here are the levels and the respective  winners.


Elite Level: This level encompasses our true community super stars, otherwise known as our MVPs. 

  • JCarlson (348 solutions) – Josh joined the elite MVP group earlier this year and has gone above and beyond with his contributions this year. He is always willing to jump in and help fellow members and welcome new members. We greatly appreciate Josh’s energy and valued contributions to the community. Thank you!


  • Dan Patterson (339 solutions) – If you have come across Dan in the past year in the community, then you already know that he retired last year, and so we were  worried he might disappear from the community. Thankfully, he has proven us wrong! Dan has continued his valued contributions and engagement in the community, helping answer questions across a variety of topics, helping to direct members, and helping us with moderation of the community. Dan, we very much appreciate you and your contributions and are so thrilled that even in retirement you continue to give back to the Esri Community. Cheers!


  • Jayanta Poddar (291 solutions) – Jayanta moved from Esri India into a customer role this year and with that he has brought his vast knowledge and experience into the community helping others, welcoming others, and helping us moderate the community. Thank you, Jayanta, for your continued engagement in the community, it is most appreciated!


Rising Star: At this level we recognize our up-and-coming members who have gone above and beyond this year.

  • JohannesLindner – Johannes has been a member of the Esri Community since 2018 and works for a German EPA at the state level. In 2021 he was engaged in posting in ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Dashboards, Python, posting ideas for ArcGIS Pro, just to mention a few. As well as helping direct fellow members to correct place to post their questions etc.  Overall, for the year he posted 300+ Replies, and received 110 Accepted Solutions and 219 Kudos. Way to go Johannes and thank you for your contributions, you are well on your way to becoming an MVP!


  • Brooks_SummitGeo – David Brooks has been a member of Esri Community since November  2020 and is most active in Python, ArcGIS Online, and ArcGIS Pro. In 2021 David increased his level of valued activity in the community. During the year he posted over 300 Replies, 40+ Accepted Solutions and 145+ Kudos received. Thank you, David, for your contributions to the community and congratulations!


  • JeffK – Jeff has been a member of the community since 2017. In the past year he has been very active in our developer tools places, particularly  . Overall, he posted 279 Replies, with 42 of those marked as Accepted Solutions  and received 158 Kudos. Well done, Jeff!! Thank you for your contributions in 2021!!


Newcomer of the Year: These are members who joined the community in 2021 and jumped right into collaborating and engaging in the community. Welcome and congrats on taking the leap!

  • ABishop – Since joining the community in May of 2021, she has posted 495 Replies, 21 of which were marked as Accepted Solutions and received 99 Kudos. Excellent engagement and making her the leader of the newcomers for 2021 – Congratulations!


  • DrVSSKiran – Joined the community as a customer in March 2021. During 2021, Dr. V S S Kiran, has posted 112 Replies, 8 marked as Accepted Solutions and received 26 Kudos. He participated in many different areas across the community providing help and insights.  Dr. V S S Kiran, thank you for your engagement and contributions to the community, we hope to see more from you in 2022!


  • AlfredBaldenweck – Alfred also joined the community in March 2021. During his time in the community this year he posted 70 Replies, 5 marked Accepted Solutions and received 11 Kudos. A great start to his journey in the community. We look forward to seeing more of Alfred in 2022! Congratulations on being a newcomer of the year!


Congratulations and Thank You to all our 2021 contest winners!!


For all our other members, thank you for being part of our community and in 2022 we hope to see more members join these ranks!


Cheers and Happy 2022 to everyone!


*2022 Esri Community Contest rules and details to follow soon.

**Winners- Please be on the lookout for an email from me regarding your prize distribution.

About the Author
My role at Esri is the Manager of Community Experience and Programs. As the manager of the community experience team, I support, guide, and help our community managers and am focused on programs to continue growth and enhancement of our community. Outside of work I love the outdoors (in all seasons). You can typically find me skiing, hiking, biking, kayaking, or curled up with a good book.