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Can ArcGIS georeference satellite images that have been scaled and rotated within a jpg image?

10-27-2014 09:14 AM
Deactivated User

Hi everybody,

I'm in need of a solution to a problem and am hoping to find help here. I have images (satellite view) that need to be georeferenced (with Google Spherical projection).

Currently I export a raster image from Global Mapper that uses the above mentioned projection and I export it as a jpg. It's a satellite view of a golf course. Then What I have to do is open it in Photoshop, crop the image and paste it into a new image, in doing so I have to scale down and rotate the cropped image. I do not distort it however, when I scale it I keep the ratio set so the image doesn't get warped. This is where I need help. I need to georeference this new image. How can I do this? Can I do it with ArcGIS? If so, I would be a total newb to that software, how would I do it. And if it can't be done in ArcGIS, does anybody know any other methods or a service that can do these images for me?

Thanks so much for your help.

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4 Replies
MVP Notable Contributor

There is a whole section within the ArcMap desktop help that discusses geo-referencing and the available tools, this would be your starting point.

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Deactivated User

Excellent. It does appear this is possible for what I need.

However, I have another question. Do you know where I can find a person or company that knows how to do this process, that can provide this service to me? My company is looking to outsource this work process to somebody. I'll probably need around 600 images georeferenced every month.

Thanks Duncan.

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MVP Notable Contributor

I would probably search with Google using a term like "GIS data Cleaning" or some equivalent. So are you saying that you would be generating 600 cropped images per month which you want someone else to geo-reference? How many months were you thinking? Who ever took on this work would need to have base maps to reference against. What country do you work in, I cannot tell as you have not filled in any of your geonet profile...

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Deactivated User

This work is in the United States. Yes, around 600 images per month, ongoing (meaning, it could be years worth of work). Doesn't ArcGIS have default base maps? That'w what my thought was, that somebody could load in one of our images on top of a base map from ArcGIS software and produce the georeference for us (which I believe has to be in Spherical Mercator (EPSG3857).

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