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StoryTelling Map - Swipe.

11-20-2013 08:02 AM
New Contributor II
Hi everyone,

I worked recently on a swiping Story Map.
I used two REST services in the webmap.
The Story Map swipe is working fine except when zooming in at a certain scale.

When I am zooming too much to the map and then swiping : I am having the same maps from both sides and they should be basically different.
When then zooming out, it returns back to normal.

Please advice on that.
Thank you.
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4 Replies
Regular Contributor II
Sorry about that. Could you share your web map id (make it public) or services url with us ?
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Occasional Contributor III

I am looking into your issue, but have not been able to reproduce the problem.  Can you please provide some more details with what you are experiencing please?  What browser are you using?  Does the problem occur when you are zooming in close or rather when you zoom several times in sequence?

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New Contributor II
1. The swiping actions is fine at a certain global extent.

2. When I am zooming into the map at a certain point, the swipe is working but I am getting the same image in both frames or windows but with different resolutions.

3. When I am zooming out again to a certain global extent, it is getting back to normal again.
The problem is not occuring when I am zooming in several times in sequence.

- I am using Chrome usually.
- I tried the application on Chrome and Firefox as well but it is giving the same problem.
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New Contributor II

have not been able to create any unexpected behaviors in the application with your web map.

The problem was that that one map was on top on the other.
And at a certain resolution, one map resolution is getting over the other one, which explains issues at swiping.

The problem was resolved putting both images in two services and add them to the webmap.
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