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story maps and TiledMapServic

07-12-2015 10:00 AM
Occasional Contributor


I have encountered in a problem that I am not sure about, I am trying to use two operational layers for the map tour template (I am using json file as webmap). One of them is of curse the tour point, and other is an ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer.
For some reason I can get the tiled map service to be displayed. I can create an arcgis mapservice that drew the layer dynamically from the data to show on the app. 
What I am asking is am doing something wrong? Or the app doesn't designed to work with ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer as an operational layer?
The reason I want to use the TiledMapService is that I need to use special restriction of what to show and what not to show and I think the setExclusionAreas() of the ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer is best for my needs.
Thanks Roi.
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3 Replies
Occasional Contributor

i am sorry about the writing, again:

I have encountered in a problem that I am not sure about, I am trying to use two operational layers for the map tour template (I am using json file as webmap). One of them is of curse the tour point, and other is an ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer.

For some reason I can get the tiled map service to be displayed. I can create an arcgis mapservice that drew the layer dynamically from the data to show on the app.

What I am asking is am doing something wrong? Or the app doesn't designed to work with ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer as an operational layer?

The reason I want to use the TiledMapService is that I need to use special restriction of what to show and what not to show and I think the setExclusionAreas() of the ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer is best for my needs.

Thanks Roi.

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Deactivated User

Hi Roi,

Can you share a link to your application?

The app should work with ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer as an operational layer.

What is your basemap layer?

If the map tour layer is your first layer, it is probably use as basemap, it should works but maybe not in certain case. The most simple is that you keep a basemap layer that is tiled, you could change it's visibility to make it not visible...

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Occasional Contributor

this problem was resolved.

there was an issue with the different lods.

thank you.

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