Is there a way to add ‘Basemap gallery’ ‘Layer list’ and ‘Print’ options in the main stage part of Map Journal Story Map?

09-04-2014 12:22 PM
Deactivated User

Is there a way to add ‘Basemap gallery’ ‘Layer list’ and ‘Print’ options in the main stage part of  Map Journal Story Map?  Map Journal Builder  will be more useful if it includes Basemap, Layer list, Search, Print, and Measure similar to  selecting Legend and Map overview from ‘extra’ in main stage.

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3 Replies
Deactivated User

Thanks for you interest. Such features are not in our roadmap, the goal of Map Journal is to guide the viewers through the story designed by the author without requiring them to perform some search or toggle on and off some layer manually. That's a key difference with the Basic Viewer that let the user more free. I'm not saying we will never add such options as in some case they can be really useful but from now the way to think about a Map Journal is that the viewer can only scroll through section or click on Main Stage actions and only those will change the Map content as the author wanted.

I'm sure you noticed that the builder allow you to configure the Map Content. We may add the Basemap gallery too but from now you can already add multiple basemap to your map from Viewer. Then you would configure your section to toggle on/off those layer.

Also one thing is that you can create a basic viewer for example and use it on your Main Stage.

If you are a developer, the code is on GitHub. Let us know what you end up with!

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Deactivated User

Hi Gregory,

Thanks for reply and highlighting the purpose of map journal templates.

I am working with municipal council and using web app templates to visualize water utilities related maps. I have prepared web maps using Basic viewers, Side according, Tabbed viewer and Map Journal and wanted to share the expectation of the municipal users.

I am learning JavaScript API and at this point, I would like to know how to add Basemap gallery and Pring function on Map Journal.

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Frequent Contributor

It would be helpful if a series story map, or all story maps, had the ability to have a Print button for users to create a pdf or other option for printing the map like in the web app builder.

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