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HTML Issues with Story Map Tour- Not Evident in UX/UI

11-21-2018 11:57 AM
MVP Regular Contributor

Hi Esri, 

Recently our team found an issue when using audio in Story Map Tour. When saving we received the error message " Save failed due to an invalid html tag in a name or description." 

We opened an Esri support case (Case 02221486) thinking that this was a bug, and discovered that the issue presented itself as a limitation in the back end, and depended on how you initially decide to build your Map tour.

Turns out that if you decide to take the route "I need to upload my images", the map tour creates a feature service which restricts the types of HTML supported in the map tour ( :warning: this is not evident when starting your map tour ) and will error out when trying to save tags like video, audio, p, https, http, tel, and mailto, etc

I have broken down some of the issues regarding this below: 

1st Issue: 

When we followed the documentation for using audio in our map tour using this article, it does not state that you have to use a certain technique when starting the story map in the builder mode.

2nd Issue: 

I understand the limitation with a feature service and feature layer, but this poses a very large issue to users who want to further customize their application using HTML and have already transitioned past the “choice screen” (image below) and cannot change their choice if they choose to use other "unsupported" HTML. Nowhere in the builder does it say that certain HTML is unsupported in the “I need to upload my images” method. 


Overall Issue:  

Ultimately if our users want to build a map tour using AGOL stored images they need to

1) Either select “I need to upload my images” which does store images in AGOL but has restricted HTML. 

2) Alternatively if they want all of the AGOL supported HTML they need to upload images to AGOL in their content (which clutters their content), share images publicly, copy the share urls and paste them back into this map tour using the Gears :gear: option in the builder. 

As you can see, this is a very cumbersome workflow just for users to have the opportunity to use fully supported AGOL HTML. 

I would be more than happy to discuss this with anyone on your team. 

Thanks so much, 


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