yes, I did modify so I could have 7 categories. Although I didn't change the symbols to simple ones instead I found additional number symbols . Download the additional symbols from here:
step 1: Once you have downloaded them move it to your playlist folder (playlist\source\resources\images\markers\indexed)
step 2: make changes to your mapconfig in the function getSymbolForDefaultRenderer(graphic,colorAttr,index)
if (graphic.attributes[colorAttr].toLowerCase() === "b" || graphic.attributes[colorAttr].toLowerCase() === "blue"){
iconURL = "resources/images/markers/indexed/blue/NumberIconb" + (index + 1) + ".png";
else if (graphic.attributes[colorAttr].toLowerCase() === "g" || graphic.attributes[colorAttr].toLowerCase() === "green"){
iconURL = "resources/images/markers/indexed/green/NumberIcong" + (index + 1) + ".png";
else if (graphic.attributes[colorAttr].toLowerCase() === "p" || graphic.attributes[colorAttr].toLowerCase() === "purple"){
iconURL = "resources/images/markers/indexed/purple/IconPurple" + (index + 1) + ".png";
else if (graphic.attributes[colorAttr].toLowerCase() === "m" || graphic.attributes[colorAttr].toLowerCase() === "magenta"){
iconURL = "resources/images/markers/indexed/magenta/NumbericonM" + (index + 1) + ".png";
else if (graphic.attributes[colorAttr].toLowerCase() === "o" || graphic.attributes[colorAttr].toLowerCase() === "orange"){
iconURL = "resources/images/markers/indexed/orange/NumbericonO" + (index + 1) + ".png";
else if (graphic.attributes[colorAttr].toLowerCase() === "bo" || graphic.attributes[colorAttr].toLowerCase() === "bruntorange"){
iconURL = "resources/images/markers/indexed/burnt_orange/BruntO_" + (index + 1) + ".png";
else if (graphic.attributes[colorAttr].toLowerCase() === "y" || graphic.attributes[colorAttr].toLowerCase() === "yellow"){
iconURL = "resources/images/markers/indexed/yellow/Numbericon" + (index + 1) + "Y" + ".png";
iconURL = "resources/images/markers/indexed/red/NumberIcon" + (index + 1) + ".png";
iconURL = "resources/images/markers/indexed/red/NumberIcon" + (index + 1) + ".png";
Step 3: Add the additional color in your csv file.
I hope I have not missed but give it a try.
Thank you very much! However, it seems to me that just the first 4 colors in the list are respected (accordant to the max. number of the default template). Did you change something else in order to render the 7 categories you mentioned?
Kind regards
Nothing else really I did make changes in the index.html to modify the legend(see below). Did you build it to create a deploy folder or are you just previewing it? Can you send me a screen shot of the windows explorer showing the path of the addition symbols and your mapconfig file?
// Legend names for playlist markers
playlistLegend: {
// Add a name for your playlist point layer to be used in the legend.
"layerTitle": "Playlist Layer",
// Choose to display your playlist point layer in the legend (true or false).
"visible": true,
"items": {
"redIcon": {
// Choose to display icon in the legend (true or false).
"visible": true,
// Choose the display name in the legend.
"name": "Roads & Bridges",
"iconURL": "resources/images/markers/indexed/red/NumberIcon1.png"
"blueIcon": {
// Choose to display icon in the legend (true or false).
"visible": true,
// Choose the display name in the legend.
"name": "Interchanges & Intersections",
"iconURL": "resources/images/markers/indexed/blue/NumberIconb1.png"
"greenIcon": {
// Choose to display icon in the legend (true or false).
"visible": true,
// Choose the display name in the legend.
"name": "Parks, Recreation and Culture Facilities",
"iconURL": "resources/images/markers/indexed/green/NumberIcong1.png"
"purpleIcon": {
// Choose to display icon in the legend (true or false).
"visible": true,
// Choose the display name in the legend.
"name": "Public Safety Facilities",
"iconURL": "resources/images/markers/indexed/purple/IconPurple1.png"
"magentaIcon": {
// Choose to display icon in the legend (true or false).
"visible": true,
// Choose the display name in the legend.
"name": "Transit Projects",
"iconURL": "resources/images/markers/indexed/magenta/NumbericonM1.png"
"orangeIcon": {
// Choose to display icon in the legend (true or false).
"visible": true,
// Choose the display name in the legend.
"name": "Sidewalks & Trails",
"iconURL": "resources/images/markers/indexed/orange/NumbericonO1.png"
"yellowIcon": {
// Choose to display icon in the legend (true or false).
"visible": true,
// Choose the display name in the legend.
"name": "Health & Welfare Facilities",
"iconURL": "resources/images/markers/indexed/yellow/Numbericon1Y.png"
Also, did you add those color code alphabets in your csv file? did I mention that?
Thank you again! Yes I adapted the index.html and the csv-file. And actually it shows me 5 categories but "o", "bo" and "y" aren´t rendered. Here is my MapConfig.js:
I found out that it works when I use
iconURL = "resources/images/markers/indexed/orange/NumbericonO1.png";
instead of
iconURL = "resources/images/markers/indexed/orange/NumbericonO" + (index + 1) + ".png";
Also there seem to be seem inconsistencies in the markers´ names. Some start with 1, others with 01.
Oh yes, I did rename first 10 images to fix that issue but I am glad you fixed that at your end.
Thank you again Julie - you made my week 😉
For the rest of us: if you want to activate the filter, put the name of the accordant column of your csv in the index.html here:
// Change name filter to match data
filterField: "yourcolumnname"
muchas gracias! pleasure:)
for the rest of us, the filterField is picky sometimes. It wouldn't take "Project Type" but accepted "projectType" to enable the filter.