Hello I have embedded a multiple swipe story maps into a story map viewed here https://gis.dannenbaum.com/gccprd-surge/
On the original non-embedded swipe maps there are a few css effects applied to the swipe bar, http://dannenbaum.maps.arcgis.com/apps/StorytellingSwipe/index.html?appid=93f59d5952f74f79862ed636fc... Such as the directional triangles on initial load.
But these vanish once embedded. Although they do appear for a split second when the page first loads. And I can see the CSS when inspecting the swipe bar.
<div id="swipeImg1" style="left: 847px; top: 418.5px; display: none; background: url("resources/icons/sprite-icons.png") -536px -1254px;"></div>
Is there a way to get this effect when embedding story maps?