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Can I have a Story Map developed by a contractor and have all assocated files transfered, shared, copied so I can host and own it?

11-03-2017 07:25 AM
New Contributor

I have a division asking if they can have a Story Map app developed by a contractor and then have it transferred to us to own and host.  Are there tools for transporting the app and associated files?  Could this be done if the contractor shared full control for us to "save as", then re-point sources?

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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Virginia, 

If a contractor is doing work for your organisation, I believe they can be temporarily added as a member of your ArcGIS Online account and this is withing the licensing agreement - this is worth checking with your Esri account manager! This would save having to transfer/copy content

Alternatively, you could use ArcGIS Online Assistant (ArcGIS Online Assistant) to copy content from one ArcGIS Online account to another. I would recommended testing this first on smaller items to ensure it works correctly for you - it works well for me!


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Frequent Contributor II

If it is possible to create an account on an ArcGIS Online organization for your contractor to do their work, it is a cleaner workflow. Your Organization administrator can also move content from one account to another account inside the same organization, via the option in the item details page in ArcGIS Online for content in that Organization.

Using ArcGIS Online Assistant as Carmel describes is another alternative which lets you copy content either inside or between Organizations. This isn't the same as simply changing the account owner ion an existing item. For example copying an app using ArcGIS Online does not copy the maps used in the Story Map. And if a Story Map app contains images that have been uploaded into the story map, note that the copy of the original app will still point at images in the original app: you would need to upload the images again into the copy to make the copy truly self-contained so it doesn't read its images from the original. Also, we don't recommend using ArcGIS Online Assistant to try and copy Story Map Shortlist or Story Map Tour apps: the copy of the app will still point at the same web map as the original app and use that web map to store the places contained in the story, and there's no way in the Builders for those apps to point at a different web map.
