I have a "short list" story map with four tabs; each includes historic landmarks of a different quadrant of the city. I would like for each tab to show only the extents of the markers in that quadrant as a default. Is there a way to set each tab with a different "home point" or origin when the tab is first selected?
Attached are two quadrants of the city showing the extent of markers as reference. I would like for each tab to include those markers when the tab is first selected (right now, each tab zooms to the whole map extent and shows far more than what I want it to)
Hi Daniel, thanks for your question. As this question relates to the StoryMaps product I would suggest we move this question to either Classic Esri Story Maps or ArcGIS StoryMaps. If you know which product you are using and are happy to move the question to one of these spaces then that should help you find someone to answer your question. Or if you need help moving this question then just me know.
I apologize for placing the question in the wrong area. I can't honestly say that I am good at navigating GeoNet.
If you could assist me in moving the question to the correct forum I would appreciate it.
Here's how to move content: https://community.esri.com/docs/DOC-2258-moving-content
And to add to Ken's response just to confirm there are 2 spaces for StoryMaps so you just need to choose whether your question relates to Classic StoryMaps or the latest product ArcGIS StoryMaps and move accordingly. Hope this helps.