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ArcGIS Story Maps deleting content on its own?

05-07-2020 07:40 PM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

I have a group project due tomorrow that requires us to use story maps. Everything was working just fine until we realized that nothing was saving whenever I published the story map. As a result, we have lost over 5 created maps and several paragraphs of text. We are having to start from scratch, however, changes are not being "published" even though it keeps telling they have. I have a partner working on it with meet that sent me screen shots of his work and asked for it to be published. I published it and none of his work is there? He literally just sent me a screenshot of it. Also, our internet is working just fine. There have been zero power outages, disconnection, etc. We do not know what is going on. We are at its end on what to do. We want to complete the story map, however, what is the point if it won't save our work. 

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1 Reply
Esri Notable Contributor

Hello -- I'm very sorry you have run into an issue with your story. Is it possible that both of you have been editing at the same time? That is not currently supported. Please see the documentation about collaborating on stories. Story maps do not support simultaneous editing my multiple people.

Coauthor a story—ArcGIS StoryMaps | Documentation 

Owen Evans
Lead Product Engineer | StoryMaps
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