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Προβλήματα εφρμογής Story Maps Shortlist

09-11-2017 12:14 PM
Deactivated User


Ονομάζομαι Παπαναστασίου Χρίστος και βρίσκομαι στο τελικό στάδιο κατασκευής ενός ψηφιακού ιστορικού χάρτη για την πόλη της Νέας Ιωνίας. Ο χάρτης αυτός αποτελεί μέρος της διπλωματικής μου εργασίας στο Μεταπτυχιακό Πρόγραμμα "Περιβάλλον και Ανάπτυξη" σε συνεργασία με το εργαστήριο της σχολής Τοπογράφων Μηχανικών (κ.κ. Ε. Δημοπούλου και Τ. Λαμπρόπουλος) του ΕΜΠ. Η εφαρμογή αν και δίνει ωραίο αποτέλεσμα είναι εξαιρετικά ασταθής και σώζει με πολύ δυσκολία οποιαδήποτε μεταβολή. Σε μια τελευταία μου απόπειρα να προσθέσω κάποιες φωτογραφίες "μπλόκαρε" εντελώς και εξαφάνισε τελείως τις καρτέλες που είχα δημιουργήσει με το περιεχόμενό τους, καθώς και τη δυνατότητα να επεξεργαστώ και να δω αυτό το υλικό. Ο υπολογιστής που δουλεύω έχει τα εξής χαρακτηριστικά: HP (RAM 6 GB, 64 Bit ενώ ο επεξεργαστής είναι Intel i5).

Επισυνάπτω link της εφαρμογής

Παρακαλώ για τη βοήθειά σας και ευχαριστώ προκαταβολικά για το χρόνο σας

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8 Replies
MVP Emeritus

Google Translate to English I

Good evening

My name is Papanastasiou Christos and I am in the final stage of building a digital historical map for the city of Nea Ionia. This paper is part of my diploma thesis in the Postgraduate Program "Environment and Development" in collaboration with the laboratory of the School of Surveying Engineering (E. Dimopoulou and T. Lambropoulos) of the NTUA. The application, although giving a nice result is extremely unstable and saves with great difficulty any change. In my last attempt to add some photos, I completely blocked and totally eliminated the tabs I had created with their content and the ability to process and view this material. The computer I have works has the following features: HP (6 GB RAM, 64 bit while the processor is Intel i5).

I attach a link to

Please for your help and thanks in advance for your time

Story Maps

Note: I translated your post to English and "tagged" the Story map page to give your question better exposure.  And hopefully the translation of this note back to Greek worked correctly.

Σημείωση: Μεταφράσατε την ανάρτησή σας στα Αγγλικά για να δώσετε στην έκθεσή σας καλύτερη έκθεση. Ελπίζω ότι η μετάφραση αυτού του σημειώματος στα ελληνικά είναι σωστή.  Ελπίζω ότι η μετάφραση αυτού του σημειώματος στα ελληνικά είναι σωστή.

MVP Honored Contributor

The link you posted doesn't lead to a story map, it links to the generic story listing page which only lists your own story maps. For example, I see my own story maps in that link. Please update your link if you want specific help on your story map.

Aside from that, please elaborate on your specific problem. It sounds like you made a story map, then something happened, and now your content is gone. I'm not sure what we can help with in that case.

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Deactivated User

First of all thank you for the immediate response,

I' m sorry that I didn't notice that I had my story map private. I changed

it to public and here I attach the links for the edit and preview mode


I would like to notice that the information and all the other material

(photos, links e.t.c.) are not lost, I simply cannot have an access to them.

Thank you again for the support

Christos Papanastasiou

2017-09-12 0:15 GMT+03:00 Darren Wiens <>:

GeoNet <>

Re: Προβλήματα εφρμογής Story Maps Shortlist

reply from Darren Wiens

<> in *Story

Maps* - View the full discussion


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Frequent Contributor

Hi Christos,

Did you happen to edit the data of your web map and Shortlist layer outside of the builder?  It appears that a feature named 'Δικαιώματα' has the attribute 'Tab Index' set to 7.  This does not match up with the app data that is created and saved in the Shortlist builder.  To fix, try changing the 'Tab index' attribute for that feature to a number (0-6) in the web map viewer (  Then try loading your Shortlist app again.  


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Deactivated User

Dear Mark hi and thank you for your response

First of all I would like to notice that i didn't edit the Map Viewer's

Shortlist Layer, i know that this is not permitted. Yes, indeed the problem

appeared when i tried to move the attribute "Δικαιώματα" from tab 7 to the

first tab (tab 0) of the application, using the configure choices. So the

Tab 7 became "empty" and maybe this blocked the app.

Nevertheless i cannot understand which way i can edit the Shortlist's

attribute table from map viewer. Please give me further details

Thank you in advance

Christos Papanastasiou

2017-09-12 20:23 GMT+03:00 Mark Cooney <>:

GeoNet <>

Re: Προβλήματα εφρμογής Story Maps Shortlist

reply from Mark Cooney


in Story Maps - View the full discussion


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Frequent Contributor


If you go to the web map viewer, then click the 'Content' tab, then click on the Shortlist layer under 'Contents', then click on the table icon, a table of features should appear under the map.   Find the feature with the tab 7 attribute, double click that cell in the table, and change to 0.  This should get your app back to a good state.

I tried to reproduce this issue by moving a feature from a tab, leaving it empty, and saving, but it did not break the app like this.  Please let us know if you experience additional issues.


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Deactivated User

Dear Mark hi

I followed your instructions and the application was restored to the

greatest extent but not absolutely.

Four photos on the entry tab (tab 0) do not appear and the app does not

allow me to change them.

In addition, it still does not save the changes I'm trying to make. This

problem has existed since the beginning of my work and can take many days.

I would like some instructions - if any - about this issue because it makes

my job very difficult.

For the rest the application gives a very nice result, congratulations on

this and thank you for the kindly response

Christos Papanastasiou

2017-09-13 20:35 GMT+03:00 Mark Cooney <>:

GeoNet <>

Re: Προβλήματα εφρμογής Story Maps Shortlist

reply from Mark Cooney


in Story Maps - View the full discussion


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Frequent Contributor

Sorry for the issues you are experiencing Christos.  It may be best to contact Esri support to further diagnose and fix the issues you are seeing.


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